Chapter No. 9: Butterflies & a Psycho Girl

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Hello gorgeous people! It's finally another Tuesday :D

Comment of the Chapter: thereisonly1direction (DEDICATION!) There was actually so many funny comments that I decided on this one because I wanted to explain the "sexual tension" scene or so Panda_LOVER123 claimed it was. Haha.

Her comment: "OMG I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY! And omg that bit in the bathroom I was like YES THEY'RE GONNA KISS WOOOOOP *DOES HAPPY DANCE AROUND ROOM* and then they hug! WHAT IS THIS! Hahaha I was so shattered but this is stull the best fan fic I've ever read! Keep writing gurl!"

For magic to happen, one bust be patient ;) Haha but no worries guys, there will be romance. But it won't be like BAM bf/gf because, really, when does that happen in real life? If it does then damn I'm jealous but it hasn't so far so yes.

Song: I Want You by Andrew Allen :D


Special Test: This is another fun test to see if you lovely people are reading the author comments that I work SO hard on.

It's my friend Katie's birthday tomorrow (May 23) so it would mean a lot if you wished her a happy birthday! Even if you're reading this like days from her birthday, better late than never :D

Sorry to have kept you waiting :P

Enjoy :D


Liam's POV

"She's right menta', I'm warnin' you." Niall said with half a banana shoved in his gullet.

"Just don't set anything on fire while I'm out of the room." I said, heading to the living room.

"You kill my self esteem, you know!" he shouted after me. I rolled my eyes, still quite annoyed at having to save Niall's arse, again. Last time he had ripped his mum's curtains while we were visiting his family in Ireland. So, being the responsible one I was, I had helped him sew it back together. Harry actually then took it apart saying it looked like 'poop' not 'crap' because we all know how he feels about cursing. Then we learned that Harry actually sews (and knits) which caused Louis to go all lovey on him . . . I just–– sigh. The whole point, basically, Niall = disaster waiting to happen.

I headed into the living room. It was a quaint flat now that I think about it. Cozy with the red coloured walls and dark wooded panel flooring. The couches in the living room were a warm brown. All in all, very well put together. Hey, maybe I'll go into interior designing when I retire . . . although building aeroplanes is still so tempting . . .

I walked towards the front door so I could get a look at the couch. Nothing . . . wasn't there a girl there before?

"Hey Niall?" I called. I heard something clang to the ground and Niall curse. Disasters waiting to happen, I swear.

"What do you want, you bully?" he called back. I brushed off his comment. 

"Wasn't there a girl on the couch?" I asked, glancing around the room. Niall popped his head through the doorway.

" . . . Oh my god . . . LIAM! Do you know what this means?!" he shouted, shocked and scared. 

"Um no, Niall–" I began.

"She's going to murder us! How could you let her loose?! She's certifiably insane or haven't I mentioned that?" Niall exclaimed.

"Niall I think you're exaggerating a bit. Why would she murder us? Wait– let me rephrase that . . . Did you give her any reason to murder us?" Niall looked a bit guilty.

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