Chapter 1

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Vampire Prince, Earn My Respect !!!

I stood in the back of the cell with my arms crossed stubbornly over my chest, hearing the door open I glared defiantly as the Vampire Prince walked in, he was tall about 6”3 with jet black hair and icy blue eyes and a firm muscled body, he might look gorgeous but if he though I was going quietly he’s got another thing coming.

I’m Alicia Brooks and I do not back down. I might be a slave and have been one all my life and he might be the Vampire Prince, but as far as I was concerned I was better than him, I was loyal, I was kind and to put it bluntly he was a heartless bastard.

He smirked at me and clicked his fingers, bringing the guard scurrying forward and quickly opening the door; he strode in co0nfidanly and walked right up to me, right into MY personal space.

“Arrogant bastard” I muttered angrily under my breath, but of course he was a vampire and heard me. He tensed and his fists clenched, he roughly grabbed my chin and yanked my face up to look at him,

“You will respect me” he growled angrily, his voice was deep and sexy but I just glared back at him,

“You earn my respect, Vampire Prince” I hissed, and sarcasm loaded my voice as I said his title.

He growled and grabbed my arm, yanking me out of the revolting cell. He dragged me down the corridor of the slave market and up to where a limo was parked, as the driver opened the door he threw in and climbed in after.

I scrambled up and quickly straightened my already quite short dress and sat up on to the seat and started glaring at him angrily. He looked over to me and raised his eye brow,

“We need rules, first of all slave you sit on the floor not there, second you will call me master and only master, I will call you slave or whatever I feel like calling you, and third you will do whatever I say as soon as I say it and you will not argue back, got it” he said arrogantly.

“Whatever” I said rolling my eyes, I don’t plan on following any of his rules and I knew saying whatever would annoy him much more than any comeback I could say.

And I was right he growled angrily and turned away from me glaring out of the window, before turning back round and grabbing my leg, pulling me off the seat and onto the floor before turning back round to the window with his signature smirk on his face.

I just sat there and glared at him angrily, thinking of way to embarrass and annoying him.

After about ten minutes we pulled up into a huge drive and eventually came up to a huge house, well palace really. I was impressed but there was no way I was going to show it, I climbed out of the limo and turned my nose up at his home simply to annoy hum and stomped up the huge stairs.

I pushed passed the shocked man who stood at the door with his mouth hanging open and walked into a huge foyer, I heard a thump and then the door slammed behind me.

Turning around with a grin I saw Mr Arrogant stood there glaring at me, and the door man stood bent over holding his stomach.

I rolled my eyes, someone has anger issues,

“Where are we going” I said in a bored voice, his eyes darkened and he strode up to me,

“Respect me” he roared angrily in my face, I didn’t even bat an eyelid, which seemed to annoy him more as he grabbed my hair and pulled me up the stairs.

As he strode down the corridor my head started to burn where he was pulling my hair, causing my eyes to start to water, but I quickly blinked them away, I was much stronger than that.

He threw open a door and walked in finally letting go of my hair,

“This is my room, you stay here unless your with me, end of” he said stubbornly. I let a small smile play on my face purely to annoy him,

“Sure” I said in a, I know something you don’t voice, causing him to look warily at me, “what’s your name” I asked, realising I don’t know.

He smirked at me,

“Its Marcus, slave, but you will NEVER use my name” he said arrogantly before cocking his head slightly and looking at me,

“What’s yours” he asked and I grinned,

“Oh I’m sure it doesn’t matter, I’m only a slave after all” I said in an overly chirpy voice.  

He looked at me annoyed,

“Your right it doesn’t matter” he said though he tried to cover it he was clearly annoyed.

Rolling my eyes I turned around and started looking around the room, it was huge just as I thought I would be, the room was painted white and the furniture and bed sheets where black, there was a huge TV attached to the wall with several sofas spread out facing it and several games consoles around it, with a coffee table in front, there where two open doors one which led to a huge wardrobe and one with led to on suite where you could see a huge Jacuzzi bath.

Turning back round I saw him looking at me smugly, I shrugged my shoulders,

 “Meh it’s alright” I said plonking my self down on one of the sofas,

“I’m going out” he said angrily “you can sleep on the sofa or on the floor, stay here” he said looking at me sternly before walking out of the room and slamming the door.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my long black hair was a mess and desperately needed a wash, my bright green eyes shone I defiance and my slender and curvy 5”7 body was covered in dirt and grime, I sighed and walked back into his room.

Tilting my head I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 10.30 pm, I sighed and pulled the comforter from where it was folded next to the sofa and pulled it over me, what a clean freak I thought as I curled up and closed my eyes.


Okay guys what do you think of my new story ????

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