Chapter 5

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For what felt like years his painfully bite was on my neck, until black spots started passing though my vision until it was the only thing I could see, and then I slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

Chapter 5

I woke up with a jump, past events rushing back to me. Marcus, he had bitten me. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly only to have an arm placed across me and push I back down.

I was really scared and my eyes grew huge, my eyes searched the room frantically and they quickly landed on Marcus.

Tears welled in my eyes and I tired to scramble away from him, I knew from past experience once they’d bitten you for the first time they will do it more and more often.

Vampires can lick your neck or where ever they wanted to bite you and it numbs the area it can even make it feel amazing, but when they can’t be bothered or simply don’t care, being bitten is the most excruciating pain in the world.

This was why I was now frozen in place after his arms had reached out and held me close, I closed my eyes tightly and braced myself for the pain.

It didn’t come.

After several minutes I slowly opened my eyes and Marcus was staring down at me with an expression that looked like guilt,

Wait what?? I must be wrong and as soon as I was almost sure it was guilt the expression was gone and his face was neutral,

“are you okay?” he asked his voice flat and held no emotion, I continued to look at him before slowly nodding my head, I didn’t want him to bite me again.

“Good” he said nodding “you’ve been out for several hours its five o’clock, rest for a bit and then have a shower and come down stairs, we’re going shopping” and with that he walked out.

I sat there in shock my mouth hanging open; I thought he was nice, why was he acting nice yesterday in the pool??

I set my face into a hard emotionless mask, stupid basted.

I threw the blanket off me and stormed across the hall and into the bathroom, almost shaking in anger.

I wrenched off my clothes and stomped into the shower, as I let the water gently roll over me I slowly started calming down and my muscles started to slowly relax, why was he so confusing??

After a long and relaxing shower I stepped out and wrapped the scratchy towel around me and looked around. I didn’t have any clothes, all that was in here was the white bikini and that was covered in my blood.

I wrapped the towel securely around me and opened the door softly, looking around for Marcus. I didn’t see him anywhere so I quickly crossed the corridor and rushed into his room, closing the door behind me.

I turned and looked around the room, there was a guy of about 19 stood at the other side of the room smirking at me, he was tall about 6”3  with white blond hair and cold grey eyes, he was slender but obviously powerful and strong.

I whipped my head around Marcus wasn’t here. I was stood just covered in a towel, oh my god where my only thoughts.

I quickly turned and grabbed the door handle when arms wrapped around me and grabbed me throwing me across the room and throwing me onto the bed.

I let a huge scream escape my mouth, but in a split second my mouth was covered and the man was hovering over me.

“I you want to live don’t make a sound” he said, his voice was cold terrifyingly so.

His cold hands wrapped around my waist and my ankle, he slowly started running his hand up my leg. At that was it I saw black, I was fed up of doing everybody else’s bidding and being forced to do things I didn’t want to.

I scratched viciously at his face and brought my knee up as hard as I could, his grip loosened fort a split second but that was all I needed, I rolled off the bed and raced towards the door, I grabbed the handle and wrenched it open, I had was step out of the door when I was grabbed by my hair.

He pulled me by my hair and threw my into the corner of the wall, I smashed at full force into the wall and it winded me. I pulled my legs close and gasped trying desperately trying to get my breath back as he stalked over like a predator hunting his prey his eyes now black.

I pushed my self into the corner, desperately trying to get away. I scrunched my eyes together and started shaking.

There was a huge bang yet I felt no pain, I opened my eyes and saw the man was pinned to the wall by Marcus; he was gasping for breath and looked terrified.

Marcus’s lips where moving but I heard no sound, he must be talking in a voice to quite for human hearing.

His back was tense; in fact his whole body was tense. He finally let go off the mans neck and punched him in the face, I heard a sickening crunch and then the man raced out of the door and Marcus made his way over to me.

He sat down next to me and pulled my shaking frame onto his lap and he slowly started rubbing my back in a soothing motion as tears rolled down my face, before full on sobs erupted from me.

I was so scared and confused, who was that man? Why did he try to hurt me? Why did Marcus stop him? And most importantly why was he being nice now?

He held me for several minutes before pushing me away and taking my face in his hands,

“That was my brother, he tried to hurt you because you are mine” he answered his voice sounding sorry as me answered my unannounced questions, well some of them anyway.

He scooped me up in his arms and placed me on the sofa; he walked over to the TV and put on a movie before sitting back on the sofa and pulling me close.

My brain was in over load and I still felt tired from Marcus drinking my blood, so as I was curled into his comfortable manly smelling chest I fell asleep.


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