Chapter 1

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"So you're saying, That i have to get something that a Human touched?" I asked, the Chief nodded. "Yes, Chris you will have to do the same, But you have to take something from the Matrions instead. Then when you two get back, We'll find a way to get something from the Mermaids" Then we left his palace to complete our mission.

"Aww, I wanted to get the Matrions one" I said, Then Chris replied "You can do both if you want so less work for me." "Nevermind!" I said then we splat up then i flew away to the Humans. I spotted a pirate ship under me, While looking at the pirate ship, I saw a man who fell in the water. Then the small man controlling the ship yelled "CAPTAIN!"

Then the man ran to the anchor to drop it, he dropped his compass. I flew in and grabbed it, But being unlucky, Their fish trap that was hanging above me fell and i got trapped "Get me out!" I yelled, The small man looked at me. While the rest of his crew grabbed the fallen man."Get him on the deck" He instructed his crew, Then he helped me out and he held a hand out.

"Give it" He said, I was confused. "Can i have it instead?" I asked "You have to give me something in return" He said, Then i started flying off the deck. "Fine then, Do you trust me?" I asked, I grabbed both of his arms then he spoke "I DON"T KNOWWWW" I lifted him up to the sky.

I was just flying in the sky holding a man, I look down at him and i could tell he was terrified that's why he was closing his eyes. "Open your eyes, you're missing all the fun" I said, then he finally opens his eyes and grips tighter on my arms. "This is terrifying! But i guess pretty too." He said

"Whats your name?" I asked, he answered "Its Leo, You?" "Michelle" I replied, I thought for a bit and spoke "Is this illegal?" "What's illegal?" He asked "I don't think a Human can hangout with a Angelloid" I said, he laughed and said "Wanna be friends?" "Hmmm.... Ok.. Can i have the compass?" I asked, he nodded, Then i retrieved him back to his ship.

"I'll see you soon" He said and waved to me, then i waved back. Then left. Wait..... what did I just do? I always hated all the other 3 races, but why do i feel like his old friend from a long time?

I looked at his compass he held, I then thought. I put the compass in my small bag then made a U-Turn back to the Angelloids, I guess i'll keep the compass to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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