Part 1

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Jughead paid little attention to the steaming cup of coffee that was set down dangerously close to the laptop he was currently typing on.

"Thanks Ian, No problem Forsythe."

He looked up from his desk to the brunette Serpent in front of him who sported a mock frown.

"We both know this friendship works because I get us free milkshakes and you don't expect me to talk while I'm writing," Jughead said matter-of-factly .

"Firstly it was a joke, secondly you're not exonerated from having basic manners," Ian countered, he paused before adding, "We're Serpents not cops."

At that Jughead laughed, no one understood his aggravation with the police quite like his fellow Serpents. He found solace within them, with Ian .

Ian and Jughead's friendship was built on a base of mutual understanding, an understanding that was not acquired but built in like a reflex . With the craziness of Riverdale and the Southside things as easy as their friendship provided serenity and ease - something they both definitely needed.

All of that went to hell the moment Sheriff Keller's cuffs constrained Ian's hands.

"Get your hands off me!"

"Son, don't make this harder than it needs to be," Sheriff Keller replied, escorting Ian out to the car.

"I didn't do it Jughead, I didn't!" Ian screamed from the back of the police car .

Jughead let out a frustrated sigh, long fingers yanking off his beanie.

He felt like such a coward, sitting there doing nothing as the Sheriff arrested Ian; his friend. But what could he do? He's father had just been released from jail and the police force were waiting for something, anything to use against him.

A rattling sound rang through the diner as Jughead's fist connected with the table, black coffee spilling.

The coffee was no longer steaming.

"Hey Jug, we heard what happened. Are you okay?" Betty asked, she was visibly worried .

"Have you been here all day man?"

Jughead didn't have the heart to admit to Archie that yes, yes that's exactly where in was. He was in the same exact booth for that matter.

"He didn't do it," was all Jughead said.

"Look Jughead I know he's your friend but the cops wouldn't take him in for no reason."

Jughead knew Veronica had a point but that didn't stop him from glaring at her.

"Did they say why they suspected him?"

"Oh c'mon Betty, everyone's lockers were vandalised except Veronica's . Who else hates everyone at Riverdale High -including you and I- besides Veronica?" Archie snarled, ever since their first encounter with Ian there was bad blood.

But, who could blame Archie for holding a grudge? Ian basically said that all the learners at Riverdale High were a bunch of drama-induced morons with no clue as to what hard labour was and then proceeded to try his luck with Archie's girlfriend, Veronica.

"How would Sheriff Keller know about that though?"

They pondered over Betty's question for a few seconds before it clicked.


"Hold on, I'll call him and ask before we jump to any conclusions," Betty informed the rest of them before excusing herself from the booth.

"He didn't do it," Jughead repeated.

"Jughead, you need to be open-minded about it. You have to let the cops do their jobs," Archie insisted.

"Since when has that been our way of doing things, we've never relied on the cops to serve justice before. Why would we do it now?"

Archie didn't reply, but Jughead got his answer.

"It's because he's not one of us right, because he's a Serpent?"

"What'd I miss?" Betty asked, sliding into the booth.

"Oh besides our ginger friend making it very clear that I'm on my own with this one, nothing much."


"No Archie it's fine."

Jughead awkwardly made his way out of the booth to the exit, stopping as he opened the door. "He says he didn't do it and I believe him, I'm finding out the truth with or without you guys."

With that, he left.

"What did Kevin say?" Veronica knew neither Betty nor Archie were ready to speak but sitting in silence wasn't something she enjoyed.

"He is the one that told his dad about Ian being a potential suspect and that's not the only reason they took him in. According to Kevin they found dog tags that belonged to Ian's father lying on the floor," Betty answered.

"Well that's it then, it was Ian."

"Why would he vandalize our school though, what reason would he have for doing that?" Betty needed to not be sure it was Ian, she needed to know Jughead was doing the right thing so that she could help him.

"Betty, you've seen Ian. He's a troublemaker, a rebel without a cause. Does he seem like the type of person who needs a reason?"

Betty could see that both Veronica and Archie had made up their minds, they wouldn't get involved.

"Remember what he said about your mom, Betty?"

Betty felt her whole mood change as she heard Archie's words. She remembered, she would never forget.

"Your mom's nothing but a blonde rich bitch with nothing to do with her time besides spewing her judgemental opinions because she's angry at the world that FP wouldn't do her." That was the second time Betty Cooper had laid her hands on another person, and the first time she dug her nails into someone else's skin.

She didn't tell Jughead about her little encounter and it seemed like Ian didn't tell him either. Or at least that's what she'd hoped, Jughead wouldn't associate with someone that disrespected her and her family like that, would he?

She knew then that she wholeheartedly believed Ian did it, who else disliked the kids at Riverdale High as much as he did? No one.

"Solo act it is."

Jughead, at that time, didn't know how true that statement was. If he did, he most probably wouldn't of slept that easily.

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