Part 2

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"Wow, you look terrible," Jughead commented.

"Oh please, I look incredible in a jail cell or not," Ian shot back.

"How long they keeping you here?"

"They said I'm staying here for a minimum of three nights, but that's just cop speak for I'll be leaving within three nights."

"You didn't do it right? It really wasn't you?"

"You know me Jughead, when have I ever denied something I've done?"

And know him Jughead did, Ian always owned up to his misdemeanors with a cocky smirk and a 'to hell with the consequences' attitude.

"Okay, so now we have to figure out who did it and why."

"Nothing new for the Scooby Doo Gang," Ian joked.

"Actually, I'm going solo on this one."

He didn't need to say why, Ian knew.

"Okay, first things first I'm going to Riverdale High to see what I can find out."

"Bring back lunch, I'm starved."

Jughead rolled his eyes and left.

Remnants of the vandalism were clearly visible to those who walked through the halls of Riverdale High, people who were absent's lockers were still a mess; locks were broken and there were still splashes of hardened paint left on some lockers.

"My dad says this Ian kid could face serious charges."

Jughead leapt into the janitor's closet as he heard the footsteps closing in. Footsteps he knew too well.

"I don't know why Jug is so pressed on helping this guy, I get they're friends but it's obvious he did it," Archie stated.

"Yeah, who else could it be?"

"What if it's-" Veronica's sentence was cut off by Moose, Kevin's boyfriend.

"Your dad? Like most other things I doubt it."

"How do you know about-" Veronica was cut off from finishing her sentence again, this time by the bell.

Something about what had just happened seemed suspicious, Jughead at that moment couldn't put his finger on it exactly but he knew it wasn't a conversation to blow off.

He was about to exit the janitor's closet when he tripped on something. A wire.

He picked up the cord and pulled at it to see what it was for. The cord wasn't too lengthy and seemed to originate from something under a blanket on the ground. He picked up the blanket and bent down to discover a laptop.

It wasn't in the best shape, but it still seemed to be functioning.

Jughead quickly sat down and opened the laptop and discovered it was playing a video, in real time. Many videos actually, there were about 20 frames on the screen and the videos were of the halls and classrooms and staff rooms of his former high school.

A lightbulb went off in his head. Someone must've put up hidden cameras and used the vandalism as a cover up.

But who? And why?

Ian screeched with delight as he devoured the burger Jughead had brought him.

"So, make any progress?"

Jughead explained to Ian what he had found whilst he finished off his own buger.

"Y'know, some guy did come around Rickley's the other night, he was looking for some extra cash. I remember one of the Serpents talking to him about Riverdale and cameras and I'm pretty sure I heard the name Hiram Lodge."

"And you're only telling me this now ?!"

"It only seemed relevant now, sorry," Ian shrugged.

"An idiot, I'm fighting for an idiot," Jughead snarked, massaging his temples.

"What did this guy look like?"

"Tall, brown hair, buff - football buff and white. Also gay."

"Gay? How does someone look gay Ian?"

"As a bisexual greek god I can tell, you as a heterosexual man cannot."

"Are you sure?"

"He was giving me the eyes, I'm sure."

There was only one gay football player Jughead knew.


But why would Moose be on Serpent territory? And why would he do Hiram's dirty work? And why did Hiram want hidden cameras at Riverdale High?

Jughead knew he could only get those answers by interrogating Moose, Jughead style.

It stung walking into Pops seeing all his friends hanging out without him, but he pushed that away, one thing at a time.

"Moose, why the hell did you break into your own school and why the hell are you letting Ian take the blame?" Jughead wasn't one for subtleties and he knew cornering him would make it that much harder for him to concoct a believable lie.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about," Moose stuttered.

"Jughead what are you doing?" Betty was looking at him like he was crazy.

"Don't lie to me!" Jughead shouted, grabbing Moose by the collar and pressing him up against the booth he was in.

"Jughead what the hell?"

Jughead paid no mind to Archie, he regarded his friend as a Serpent. So he would do things the Serpent way.

"Moose don't make me punch you in the face, I have nothing to lose," Jughead warned.

"I know you went to Rickley's so just admit to it right now or I'll have the Serpents know you're letting one of their own go down for your crimes."

"Fine, fine yes it was me."

"What?" Kevin gasped.

"I needed some money, since the divorce my mom's been going through a tough time, and I was desperate so I went to Rickley's to look for a way to make a quick buck. One of the older Serpents told me Hiram Lodge needed something done, I contacted him and after warning me of the consequences of betraying him, he told me he wanted hidden cameras planted at Riverdale High. I don't know the details but it had something to do with drugs. Because the locks had to be broken I had to make it look like a vandalism before the cops went looking for the reason of a break in. Hiram told me how Veronica blamed him for everything which is why I didn't vandalise her locker."

"What about Ian's dogtags?" Archie questioned, unconvinced.

"I planted them."

"Now you've heard that, you can pick up the actual criminal and let the gangster out of a jail cell," Jughead said over the phone to Sheriff Keller.

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