Wattpad Smilies & Other Symbols

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EDIT: So I last updated this list April 18, 2013. I've been off of Wattpad for a long while since, and they've changed the UI a LOT. It used to be that messages between people popped in the corner, similar to Facebook's messaging system. It looks to me like that's no longer the case, and so this list no longer seems to actually work. I'm rather disappointed in that, but that's life for you.

I'll be keeping this up for history's sake, but I don't know which of these - if any - still work.

Last updated: Apr 18, 2013

If you know of any others, please either:

A, Message me,

B, PM me, or

C, put them in the comments!!! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this,


:) Basic Smile (Animated, but barely. Not noticable unless you look for it.)

:( Basic Frown (Animated (slightly))

;) Wink (Animated)

:D Open mouth Laugh (Animated (slightly))

:)) / (lol) Laugh (Animated)

B) Sunglasses Smile (Animated)

:* Kiss (Animated)

$) / (money) Smile with dollar-sign eyes

:B Geeky

:> "Sharp" Smile

:< "Sharp" Frown

:P Tounge-Out Smile (Animated)

:S / :? Confused 

:O Shock 

(sick) :-& Green face, cross-eyed

:X / :x X for mouth 

:-# Zipper mouth

:T So What?

:\ So What? (2)

:| Deadpan

:'( / :(( Tears

P) Pirate 

(nerdpirate) A nerdy pirate

:@) Pig

>:( Really Angry

>:O Angry Shock

>:) Devil

O:) Angel

(O.o) / (o.O) Wide-Eyed Shock

(O.O) WHAT?!?!?! Utter Shock

(?) Question mark on yellow backround

:!: Exlamation face

(jj) Racecar

(w) Partially Wilted Flower

(r) Flower

(y) Thumbs-Up

(u) / (U) Broken Heart

(n) Thumbs-Down

(m) Monkey

(monkeyking) Monkey with crown

(l) / (L) Heart

(so) Soccerball 

(grillz) Toothy smile of braces

(cheezburger) Cheeseburger

(rockyou) Diamond

(genderbender) a cross-dressing robot

(brainslug) some kind of alien

(simon) A face belonging likely to a man named Simon.

(doraemon) a blue-faced cat head

(liar) Pinocchio 

(bomb) Heavily animated, bomb that shows BOOM after a cloud of smoke after a few seconds.

(loser) a face with a L-shaped hand on its forehead.

(r2d2) R2-D2... What else would it be?

(pacman) Pac-man eating some power pellets

(pac-run) Pac-man being chased by ghosts

(pac-ghost) A ghost of Pac-man

(party) Birthday face!

(ninja) Ninja w/ black mask. 

(emo) Stereotypical emo face, hair in front of eyes.

(ghost) Just what it sounds like; a ghost.

(panda) Panda!!!

(tarepanda) tired panda

(sadpanda) You made Panda sad. :(

Shortcuts and etc. for writing stories and etc.: (Many may be givens, but might as well put them up)

[Ctrl] + [U] = Underline

[Ctrl] + [ I ] = Italics 

[Ctrl] + [B] = Bold

[Shift] + [Enter] = Skips only one line 

[Ctrl] + [[Ctrl] + [(Up arrow)] = Scroll up a little 

[Ctrl] + [(Down arrow)] = Scroll down a little 

[Ctrl] + [-->] (Right arrow) = Goes forward one word

[Shift] + [(Any arrow key)] = Highlights from starting point to end in the direction of the arrow key that was pressed

Wattpad Smilies & Other SymbolsWhere stories live. Discover now