just another day

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It had been another disappointing day.

Bakugo was heading back inside the high school after coming back from another quirk test. His head hung low and he was ready to ready to curse someone out because his results didn't come out like he wanted. He just wanted the day to be done and over with. He stepped through the halls ready to get to class until a group of seniors stopped him. There were three of them, with the leader looking down at him with a smirk.

"Woulda ya lookey here?" an upperclassmen grinned. "It's the freshman, Bakugo, coming back after losing to wimpy Midoriya."

Bakugo gritted his teeth, his pride still wounded from the fight that had happened between him and his classmate. Midoriya hadn't really provoked him in any way. It was just an activity for today where students were pitted against each other during battle. Bakugo had boasted that he would win but instead he made a fool out of himself in front of everyone who had been watching. Instead he had come in second place....again.

"Shut up," he growled. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his skin. He ignored the pain he felt. Earlier he had punched a wall from frustration; his bare knuckles still scratched and red from the pain inflicted.

It irritated Bakugo that he couldn't use his quirk on them as it was against school rules to use quirks when not in an educational setting. If he could, he would blow these assholes away. 

The senior looked down at Bakugo with a piercing look. "What did you say, freshman?" he sneered, leaning down to go face to face with him. "You must be out of your damn mind to speak to me like that. Why don't you.....apologize!"

He head-butted Bakugo hard, causing him to fall down onto the floor. The explosion quirked student looked up with a growl and balled up his fist to send a punch. But he was stopped when one of the other seniors grabbed him by the wrist. The leader of the group stomped his foot on his chest, preventing Bakugo from getting up.

"You're real ballsy, you know that?" he chuckled, menacingly. "But getting ballsy gets you in trouble."


His fist went straight to his eye, leaving Bakugo seeing stars and with a headache. The older teenager was stronger than Bakugo had expected. He wasn't about to go down without a fight and was ready to prove to them that he was equally as strong. 

"You three!" Aizawa called out, anger in his voice. "Get away from that student!"

The three seniors scrambled away, leaving Bakugo groaning on the floor. He put his hand up to his eye, touching the tender flesh gently and wincing from the pain. This was definitely going to turn into a black eye. Professor Aizawa rushed over to Bakugo, lending him a helping hand which he refused. He rolled over to his stomach to pushed himself up despite how sore his muscles were.

"I don't know why you keep getting into these fights, Bakugo," the professor sighed. "I know this time it wasn't your fault but things just can't continue this way. Maybe you should try going to some school counseling."

"I'm fine," Bakugo spat. He was going through a rough enough day as it is and he didn't need a lecture from his teacher. "I don't need stupid counseling."

"Well you need to go to the nurse's office for now. I'm sure you know the way," Aizawa remarked. "We'll continue this conversation later."

Aizawa dismissed him and watched as Bakugo trudged his way to the nurses office. He sighed watching him go before turning his attention to the troublesome students who were a mere feet away, caught by his wrappings.

      Bakugo marched off to the nurse's office, cursing underneath his breath the whole time. Every other day he was either fighting someone, getting picked on, or both. He didn't have a moment of peace. And whenever he failed the challenges the school had prepared, it got him even more irritated. He wondered when he would finally show the others how great he was. How he could easily stomp them out with his power. When would that day come?

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