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▲▲▲Present - Adults▲▲▲

    Catching up with Yosetsu turned out to be less awkward than you thought. However, the whole time Yaoyorozu stood next to you, looking between the two of you as Yosetsu blushed talking about the old days back in high school. The conversation went by quickly and he soon went on his own way down the street. You and Yaoyorozu went back to entering the jewelry store. She quickly gravitated towards a gold necklace that was on display while you gravitated towards a pair of silver, diamond hoop earrings. It was good thing you had a good paying job. High school you would have never been able to afford something like this. 

"What do you think?" you asked Yaoyorozu. 

Her eyes sparkled upon seeing the earrings. "Oooo those are quite nice! I think they'll look lovely on you, (Name)."

"Thanks, and they should match my dress well. That necklace would look cute on you, are you gonna get it?"

"Oh, I don't know." She held her chin in thought. "I already have so many necklaces so I'm not sure if need another one."

"You can never have too much jewelry," you giggled.

"You're right about that." 

Yaoyorozu continued to looking over the various necklaces and rings the shop had to offer, the assistant clerk standing on the sidelines with an awed look on her face. Clearly she had recognized the two of you and was too shy to say anything about it. You made a mental note to talk to her soon after you were done picking out what you wanted. 

"You know what this reminds me of?" Yaoyorozu spoke up.

"What?" you asked curiously.

"Remember when we were chosen for that bank heist mission back in high school? It was you, me, Deku....oh! And Kirishima."

"Oh yeah....that was like our first real assignment. We worked alongside a few pros too didn't we?"

Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement. "Yes, we did. I remember Todoroki and Bakugo definitely were upset they didn't get to go. But they still didn't have their hero licenses yet."

You remembered the mission with fondness. It had been a defining moment in your high school years after all. 

◆◆◆Past - Teenagers◆◆◆

   You had received a text from the Heroes Association, providing you with instructions on how to arrive at a secret building where you would be assigned a mission. It was late at night and you lied down in bed, looking at your phone screen perplexed. You were wondering what the mission could be as you hadn't received any further details. You turned off your phone and set aside on your nightstand. You would have to wake up early for tomorrow so you needed all the sleep you could. 

     The next Saturday morning, you slipped on your new hero suit and admired yourself for only just a moment. You wore a purple jumpsuit that had a halter neckline, leaving your arms bare. You had a large light x across with your chest, and you were equipped with a blue tool belt as well that held necessary medical supplies. Mei Hatsume had done you the favor of designing special headband binoculars that would allow you to zoom in on enemies and let you use your quirk from a farther range. It was also blue, matching the rest of your uniform. 

      You layered your street clothes over your hero uniform. After finishing up lacing your combat boots, you quietly exited your dorm and hoped that your fellow classmates wouldn't question where you were going. Luckily, they were either too busy with their own hobbies or they were watching TV. You left the dorm and soon began making your way down the street. 

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