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Why am I really here? No one here is dying for attention from me, so why did I come?

When I left my house on the way here I told myself I was going to enjoy my time with my friends, but when I get there everyone is either on their phone or just talking to the person beside them.

They had all hung out all day today and last night. I could tell. They were tired, and were trying really hard to act as if they just got here before me.

"Do you guys want to see what I got for punk rock day?" Blythe piped up out of nowhere.

"When did you get it?" Sitting there confused because I don't remember being with her when she got it.

"Oh, we all went thrift shopping for homecoming this week together today." She said with no hesitation. Everyone else shot her a look that was meant to say, shut your ass up for once, please.

Well, now that I know they went out together without inviting makes me feel great. Honestly I would've much rather stayed at home, and that's saying a lot for me.

"Oh, cool." I said, and after that you could just feel the air in the room shift. Everything took a turn for the worst, for me at least.

The night went on with me just sitting and listening to everyone else talk to each other and then make jokes together. I would laugh every now and then so it didn't look like I was that mad or upset.

I went upstairs eventually to get some food. The only thing Lexi had in her kitchen was ramen and pop tarts so I made some ramen. I wasn't in a rush to get back down to the party, so I stood there and watched it go around in the microwave.

As I was waiting, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I didn't have to turn around to know who they belonged too. I just hope they go right back down the steps because I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

"Are you mad?" I heard him say from right behind me which scared me a little.

"No." It was then when I realized I had started to cry. God dammit I hope he didn't hear it in my voice.

Unfortunately he noticed and turned me around to look me in my eyes then immediately pulled me into his arms.

"It'll be ok, Hazel," He whispered, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head and heard the timer for my noodles go off. I was about to turn around to take them out when he pushed my body against the counter. He titled my chin up so I was captivated by his eyes.

"Please? For me?" He smirked trying to get me to spill.

"No, ok. I'm not mad, but if you keep asking me I will be pretty soon." I said will getting my ramen finally breaking free of his grasp.

I went to grab a fork but he had one in his hand waiting for me to grab it. He held it in front of my face and I was about to get it out of his hand but he pulled it away quickly.

"I don't care if you don't want to say anything now, but I know you're upset about something and I'm going to find out."

"Whatever you say Luca." I say before grabbing the fork.

I just stood there while he walked off to go back downstairs. I didn't really want to go back down so I stayed up in the kitchen. Also my ramen was starting to get cold.

"You know if you're mad at someone, you should just tell them." I turn around and saw Lexi's mom.

I didn't really want to say I was mad but I know she knew I was. I swear her mom can read me better then my own mother.

"I'm not mad. I just got done telling Luca the same thing." I swear if one more person asks me I'm going to be pissed.

"Yea ok, then why aren't you downstairs with the rest of them?" She smirked knowing I was avoiding them.

"I just wanted some ramen, and I didn't want to make a mess." I didn't wait for her to respond or anything. I picked up my bowl and took it downstairs so no one else would think I was mad.

When I was downstairs everyone was dancing and laughing and I just wasn't feeling it. I wanted to laugh and be the life of the party like I normally am, but all I could think about was what Luca said.

I know you're upset about something and I'm going to find out...

How, or what exactly, is he going to find out?

"You ok?" Violet whispers to me from across the room.

I knew she was going to keep asking and that there was no point in lying to her. So I shook my head.

She came right over and sat next to me on the couch. She didn't ask anything else or try to pry it out of me. She knows well enough by now that if you want me to open up you have to let me decide when to do it.

We sat like that on the couch for five minutes before my phone buzzed.

"It's from Reed, I have to go Vi." After I said that she winked at me and got up off the couch.

I started for the stairs when Luca shouted, "Where are you going?"

I looked over my should and said, "Out." Knowing if I said anymore he would get mad and wouldn't let me leave.

He and Reed have a little bit of a bad history, some say. So if I even say his name Luca might actually punch a wall just because he was talking to me.

When I got out to my car I sat and read the message he sent.

We need to talk. Meet at Panera- Reed.

We'll see how well this goes, Reed.

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