Red (9)

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Jennifer's POV

I looked at him in the eyes intently and looked at him in a unusual look with seductiveness

"Okay Sir...I'll be. Just for you..." I teased him.

His face turned into something, like he stopped and froze for a moment. Did that worked to him? I think so...cause me myself, I can't believe either that I just did that in front of a guy. I never have to anyone..

This is what I'm talking about. Leah and Elizabeth really influences me...

I smiled at him and went inside the room and followed Mrs. Scott

When I went inside of this room., my mouth was just automatically got opened because damn. This place is so big and so elegant, full of gorgeous heels, sexy and beautiful dresses and other female accessories.

It feels like I'm in a dream. This looked surreal. Feels like I'm inside of a Queen's closet

"Wow.." I mumbled under my breathe

"First thing, Ms. Jennifer. You need to go to the bathroom over there to freshen up of you want and then we can do your hair with this amazing one." She said as she introduced a gay. He really looked like a stylist and I remember his face when me and my friends are watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.

"Oh my God.."

"Those eyebrows are insane. She looks adorable.." He whispered to her ear and they chuckles and I chuckles too. I don't know if that's a compliment or what

"So let's go, Ms. Jennifer?"

"Oh please, just Jennifer." I smiled at them

"Okay then, Jennifer. Let's hit it."

First thing I do was to shower my hair and body and after that, enjoying the bathtub with those adorable bubbles. I feel like a Queen when I was inside of this bathroom. Is this really a bathroom? Every side of this room is covered by marbles and there's some expensive furnitures with a chandelier at the ceiling. Everything inside here isn't it's a bathroom for the rich people in Hunger Games.

The hairstylist is now doing my hair and face.

"You have this beautiful hair. What style you'd like for your hair?" He asked. Seriously? I have no idea what to do with my hair although I have this very smooth brownish wavy long hair. I'd just like to tie them using a rubber or let them down sometimes..

"Hmmm., I don't know. If it's okay, maybe you will just can choose?" I asked politely and then he smiled big

"Okay..., I had a perfect idea." He smiled and gave me an assurance that he's going to do his/her thing

After just few minutes, he made my hair so gorgeous. A 1950's style and it's so classic.

"'re really talented.." I said

"Oh, Thank You. And now, let's do your make up." I've been feeling his hand all over my face for few minutes while my eyes were just close most of the time. And when he came to my brows part, he stopped

"Tell me Ms. Jennifer. What is your plan with those eyebrows? Do you want me to clean this forest?" He asked in a classy tone

I then immediately covers my eyebrows

"No!!! You can touch everything of me just not this..." I said

"But it looks horrible. Are you sure don't wanna?" I looked at him

"This brows are important to me and I hope let's just respect that..?" I said

At first, I can feel he's hesitated to agree with me but when I looked at him in the eyes, he nodded his head

"Okay... if that's what you want.." He smiled

And I slowly took off my hands of my face and he just continue putting make up on my face.

And after few more minutes, he's finally done doing my face.

I got shocked by my own face. I look so beautiful..

"'re really great."

"Thank You. I get that a lot.." We chuckles when Mrs. Scott came holding two dresses each of her hand.

"I think I've found perfect dresses for you., Jennifer. I've looked at them and I think these two really fits to you. To your skin color, to your perfect sculpted body and to your well defined booty."

Those two dresses were too damn sexy and I think I'm not comfortable with it. It would be my very first time to wear dresses like that aside from the red dress that Harry brought to me.

"Which one would you like to fit first?" She asked

"Uhm..." The red one that is showing the bare back down to the top of the booty and the black one that has a crazy cleavage part and showing the side of your right leg

These two are so hot and sexy. I can't even wear them in front of so many people

But Harry came to me and asked me to be his date. A lot of people are expecting him for sure and I don't want to show there like I'm sort of a matt so I think I'm gonna go with the red dress.

"I'd like to wear the red one."

"Okay, here you go. You can fit it in that room." She said as she pointed a room not so far away from us. I get the hanged dress from her as I smiled at him and went inside the fitting room.

I looked at myself in the mirror with this dress and it actually looks perfect for me and I can't wait to try it on. But something caught my attention. The price tag.

I checked it and never expected what I just saw written there


I felt the world fell right into the center of my head and I got dizzy

"Fuck, this is not a's gold."

I came out of the room still not wearing it.

"Oh, why are you still not wearing it?"

"Uhm.., I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna go with cheaper dress for rent. I can't get this, this is so expensive.. I just can't.."

"Oh..., don't be silly girl. Sir Harry's company owns this salon shop so it's not your problem anymore cause you work for Sir Harry so you're automatically welcome here and can choose whatever you'd like. You don't have to pay for anything..." Mrs. Scott said to me


"There's no but. Come on wear it now. I want to see you in that cause it perfectly fits to you.." She said and smiled and I suddenly felt comfortable and smiled.


After almost an hour fixing myself, we finally went out

I saw Harry. He is on the phone, talking to somebody and he's facing his back to our direction.

And when he just moved to the right side his head and saw me, he turned immediately his head to me with his face full of shock. He took his phone off his ear and put it on his pocket

"Sir Harry, thank you for waiting. We're done with Jennifer." Mrs. Scott said to him but his eyes still fixed on me. And I don't know but the way he's looking at me right now...? I want him to look at me just like that all the time. Like the monster side of him is no longer there inside of him anymore and he's the most gentle man in the whole wide world.

There is really something the way he look at me. Our gazes locked to each other and I felt there is something inside

He obviously looks drooling over me and I want to laugh inside.

His face were soft..., his lips drew a small smile at me and his blue eyes were shimmering, and his kissable lips will say,

"You look so beautiful, Jennifer.."

But he didn't say anything aside from,

"Come on, we're gonna be late." He said coldly as he made his way out of the salon shop

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