Weary Eyed

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Seeing my little brother almost lifeless in a hospital isn't something I've wanted to see. I've never seen him that way and the thought of him being too damaged to wake up scared me. 

Three weeks.

I can't wait until they're over because as soon as he's out of this antibacterial hell hole I'm taking him out. He needs new friends and I'm trying to talk my mom into changing him to a new school. It's been a week now and I'm seated in the same chair I have been since the first day. No one else sits here and I think it's the nurses that warn people off my chair because of my sour attitude. I'm waiting for Maddie out here in the waiting room do we could both go in Logan's room together. Visiting hours are almost up and I just want to say goodnight.

I hear footsteps and look up to see Maddie coming towards me with the same sympathetic smile on her face. It's only me and her tonight because my mom just might fall into a deeper depression if she'd have stayed. 

"How is he?" she asked. "I haven't gone in yet" I shrugged. "Noah, you shouldn't have waited for me. I told you I'd be late." "I know, I just don't think I can go in there by myself without breaking down." She sighed, trying her best to lift my slouching figure out of the chair. "Let's go then."

Maddie and I walked hand in had, reaching Logan's door in mere moments. I opened it and let Maddie walk in first. I grabbed her by the waist and held her close to me when someone was already in there. I turned on the light to get a better view of whoever it was.

It was a boy with shaggy blond hair, rosy cheeks and wide blue eyes. He was just as shocked to see us as we were of him.

He abruptly stood up and collected and collected what seemed to be an art pad and his backpack. "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was still here."

"No, it's fine" Maddie spoke up. I looked at her with a crazed look saying 'we don't even know this kid'.

She playfully pushed me away before walking around Logan's bed to get to him, reaching out her hand. "I'm Maddie, a friend of Logan's." He shook it with a shaky hand, "I'm Zeke, also a friend of Logan's...from school."

​The infamous Zeke. 

"What are you doing here so late?" I asked, not meaning to sound so harsh but it slipped out.

"I-uh-I usually come after all of you-uh-leave. I'm-ah-you must me Jamie."

I lightly chuckled, "Yeah, Noah actually."

"Well it was nice to meet you both. I should get going" he nervously laughed, starting to walk towards the door. I took the seat on the other side of Logan's bed and sighed. "You can stay, we don't mind" Maddie chirped again.

I rolled my eyes. 

"O-okay" Zeke said all too excitedly and went back to his previous seat. Maddie sat at the edge of Logan's bed and grabbed his hand. "Remember at your mom and dads wedding I was a bridesmaid, you were the ring barer and he was a little flower boy. He was so cute" she smiled.

"He was also seven and too old for that shit." "Noah." "What?" I chuckled at her scowl. She was so cute.

"Does Noah talk much at home?" Zeke pipped in. "Uh...yeah?" i said, a bit confused by his question. "Sorry, that might've sounded weird. He doesn't talk much at school. Well, he talks to me but not really to others."

"He gets bullied" I said. "I know...only because of me" he sighed. 

"What do you mean?" Maddie asked. 

"He's a good friend. He sticks up for me when I can't for myself."

I had the right to be mad. I mean, this boy was the reason behind my little brothers residence in a hospital. But then again, Maddie was the reason behind my numerous black eyes.

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