A Choice

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------Sam's POV------

We walked down the small stairs to get to the door. Dean kicked the vault door down and we walked in. we see Y/n chained up to the wall, unconcious.

"What the hell?" I hear Dean say beside me.

I look around and I realize what he's talking about. Nobody is in here. Suddenly we hear chains clanking against eachother. Y/n is awake, and leaning away from the wall. We look at her and she screams with the cloth in her mouth turning her head to the right over and over as if to say something.

We looked over and a man was standing there with a knife in his hands coming towards us.

"Well, shit." Dean says as he defends himself by kicking the guy away.

I run over to Y/n. She's crying, so I take the cloth out of her mouth. Next thing I know she's crying on my shoulder.

I unchained her from the wall, her still crying on my shoulder, with some keys nearby as Dean was fighting the guy that brought Y/N in here. Now Y/n was saying a lot of things, how she was sorry for running off, and blaming herself for what's happened.

"I'm sorry for running off, that was stupid of me, I didn't know what to do and I was scared that Dean would probably hurt me or something, but I didn't know how to answer any questions, because I didn't know I was half demon, I was never told about that..." She speaks too fast for me to catch all of what she said, but I decide to put it aside for now, so we can get out of here.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're safe," I spoke rushing her to the door before helping Dean beat the guy up.

"We gonna take him to the bunker?" I asked Dean letting out a sigh of relaxation. "He's passed out now, so let's go."

------Y/N's POV------

I waited out of the vault in the kitchen for Sam and Dean to come out of the vault. I was shaking. It was absolutely freezing down there. The chains were so cold it was almost paralyzing.

Sam and Dean walked out of the vault and Dean was carrying the guy that kidnapped me on his back. I looked at Sam and he walked to me while Dean went and put the guy in the trunk of the car.

"You okay?" Sam asked me with a worried look in his eyes.

"I'm fine," I continued, "I'm just a bit cold." I rubbed my arm as I spoke.

He put his hand on my shoulder and walked with me back to the car.

Dean just shut the trunk as we were walking to him. He looked over to us and stopped at me.

"Sammy, I have to talk to Y/n. Wait in the car... Please." Dean spoke to Sam while all the while looking at me.

I was scared. He seemed very serious, I don't know what to do. Is he going to hurt me? No... He wouldn't Cas explained enough for him to be okay, now... right?

Sam walked to the car and sat in the seat and closed the door. He wouldve stopped Dean if he knew it was something bad, so maybe it isn't.

"I need to talk to you Y/n," He seemed hesitant, "How do I know that you lied to Castiel when he was in your head or something? I don't know how you've done it, but I'm sending you to hell with Crowley whether you like it or not. Now leave this girl's meat suit unharmed." He says harshly.

I looked down and started crying. I can't handle this much pressure. How does he still not believe me? I hate this. I hate it so much. I put my hand up and slap Dean across the face.

He looks at me in surprise and then it turns into an serious face. Well shit. I run to the car as fast as possible to avoid anything that would happen if I stood there any longer.

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