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------ Sam's POV ------

I was sitting in the kitchen and saw that Y/n sat up. Her hair was a mess, and she rubbed her eyes, smiling on her way over.

"So, you're awake now..."


"That's good; Dean was really worried about you..."

"I heard."

"You heard him?"

"A little bit, yeah."


I walked over to the counter and made her an egg sandwich. She looked at me and smiled, walked over to the radio, and turned it on.

She walked by me and grabbed a cup and filled it with water, "Thanks, Sam..." was all I caught before she mumbled on her way back to the counter.

"Thanks for what?"

"Nevermind what for... just thanks."

"You're welcome."

Dean sat up and looked over to us. He smiled when he saw Y/n at the table, awake. He walked over to the counter by Y/n and put his hand on her head.

"I'm glad you're okay, kiddo."

"Thanks, Dean. I could hear you. I don't hate you either."

"Really? That's good, 'cause, well- " he cut himself off, turned her around and hugged her tightly.

She looked shocked, I smirked and laughed a little.

"You okay, Dean?"


Y/n punched Deans arm off of her playfully, and walked to the sink with her dishes. She looked at me as I heard the loud noise from the dishes hitting each other in the sink.

I tilted my head a bit because she seemed completely serious, even nervous.

She walked up the stairs to her room, and I decided to ignore it and ask her about it later.

"How was everything while I was asleep?"

"Normal... Not much said."

He looked over at me, "Sammy, I swear, if you're staring at nothing because you're thinking like- You know what? Nevermind."

"Dean, don't worry about it."

I put my dishes in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen. I pushed in the chair Y/n was sitting in on the way out.

I walked up the stairs only to see her leaning against her door with a nervous smile.

"What's wrong, Y/n?"

"You need to teach me how to dance before tonight, Sam."

I smiled at her and spoke, "Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Where are we gonna go for practicing?"

I was sort of lost in space, looking at her, but quickly snapped back to reality, "Huh? Oh, uh... maybe the livingroom."

"With Dean as an audience? I don't like that idea."

"Well, I don't mind. He's probably going to go to his room."

"What about your room? Is it more spacious? I don't want Dean to walk in, I can tell he'd laugh."

"Alright," he dragged along, "it has more free space, so I guess we'll have room.

She looked up at me with a smile, "I appreciate it, Sam."

my eyes widened and I don't know, but my heart seemed to skip a beat.


I grabbed her hand and walked her to the middle of the floor, and put my arms around her waist and I put her arms over my shoulders. Thank God she's wearing high heels or she wouldn't be able to reach that high.

I smiled at her and she smiled back, but with eyebrows furrowed in a joking way.

the music slowed down.

"Well, sorry if I end up stepping on your foot, Sam."

"Don't worry about it. You're still learning."

She stumbled a bit in her heels. Her right foot went to the right and folded sideways, and she yelled.

"AH FUUUUUUU-" she cut herself off when she tended to her foot. It wasn't broken or sprained, it just hurt like a bitch.

"You want to stop for now? Maybe you should wear smaller shoes. Last thing you want is a sprain.

"Yeah, thanks," she starts taking off her shoes, "I'll be right back."

I watch her run out of the room, and see her almost trip on a step.

"Careful, now!" I laughed.

She laughed back and continued running. I saw Dean poke his head around the door and looked at me sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing, Sam?"

"I'm helping her learn how to dance before the dance, obviously."

"Alright, good luck. Also, we might need to get ready ourselves. We're going to a place full of hormonal teenagers." Dean laughed and spoke again, "Last thing we want is them on us."

"Yeah, I guess..." 

Yep, I definitely didn't want him to be right, but when I think about it, it could be true, so I have to dress more like a normal adult rather than wear a suit and tie giving the kids the idea to dance with me. I shuttered at the thought and Dean laughed.

"I'm gonna get something to snack on." Dean said before walking to the kitchen.

I heard faster footsteps coming down the stairs again, and Y/n walked up to me barefoot.

"Why didn't you just grab shorter heels? or tennis shoes?"

"I don't know where they went, so I gave up on looking for them and just came down here.

I played the music again, and stood up. She looked over to me and laughed.

"Sam, you're tall as hell; I don't know if I'll be able to dance with you."

"Tippy toes?" I smiled, "Dean wouldn't want to dance and I don't think we can find anyone to properly teach you in time."

"Fine, but I might need to take a few breaks because my feet will hurt."

She stood on her tippy toes and out her arms over my shoulders again. I led the way, but it was still difficult for her.

"Maybe your date will let you do this" I paused, "stand on my feet. It will give you a better idea of the steps you'll need to take."

She looked down at our feet, "are you sure, Sam?"


She put her feet on mine and she laughed as I moved my feet.

This worked out great.

(Sorry!!! I kept on putting this off. I had to work on projects because my teachers are piling projects on us😪 I'll probably update after the 17th this month!)

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