Chapter 3

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After Erik had given the police his statement, he stood back and let them work, observing from afar. A reporter ran up to him, catching his arm just as he tried to do his usual trick of vanishing into the crowd, "Mr. Phantomstein!" She said excitedly, "Please tell us how you figured out where the body was!"

Erik pulled away from her politely as the cameraman rushed up, barely able to keep up with the woman, despite the fact that she was in impossibly skinny heels. He took a breath, "It is not my job to tell the media about a case." He said politely.

"Is this the key to how you write such amazing books?" She asked, "Hands-on experience right?" She grew even more excited, "Did you touch the body? Did you get a feel for the crime?"

Erik said calmly, "The victim has a name. The victim had a life. The victim will be buried in peace."

"Tell us more!" She begged.

Erik turned away, "I am sorry." He said, "But I must get back to my office." The reporter tried to stop Erik and he turned back to her, an amused glint in his eyes, "If you wanted my number," He said softly, "you just had to ask."

The reporter pursued him and Sage, but both men ignored her, and eventually left her and her flustered cameraman behind. Erik sighed as he gripped the steering wheel, his eyes focused on the road. Sage tilted his head to try and meet the older man's eyes, but his green orbs were focused straight ahead, "Something wrong?"

"I couldn't save him." Erik said, "I was too late."

Sage furrowed his brow and sat back, thinking for a little while, "Well," He began, "At least we got to the crime scene first right? Maybe now that you have a feel for it, you can figure it out faster and catch the killer."

Erik gave Sage a sidelong glance as he flicked on the headlights. The day had whipped by so quickly, and neither of the men noticed until now that it was twilight. Erik studied the road ahead, and Sage could see his powerful hands gripping the wheel tightly, his lips moving as he thought.

They got to Erik's massive Victorian mansion, and Erik parked, taking his time going inside. Sage could see from the way that his proud shoulders slumped and his eyes studied the ground that the famous Erik Phantomstein, a genius, a gentleman, and a lonely soul, was completely exhausted.

Sage followed him inside quietly, murmuring as he turned from closing the door, "Anything I can do, Erik?"

"No." Erik murmured, moving like a ghost through the shadows of his old house, "Nothing..." The tall man's eyes flashed emerald green in the moonlight, which made his features look almost cat-like, "Nothing could be done for Thomas Jameson. Nothing can be done until I figure out who the killer is."

"Then its another sleepless night for us both." Sage said.

"Not for you." Erik said, "Just me. Go home, Nathanial. I can handle this alone."

Sage knew that when Erik called him by his middle name, he was dead serious and wanted no arguments. Sage gave a slight nod, "Okay, Erik." He turned away slowly and opened the door, "Call me if you need anything... or figure anything out."

"Sage." Erik said, and the young man turned, "Thank you."

Sage nodded and closed the door behind him. It had begun to rain, and he moved along through the mud, his car only a little ways away. His mind was on the look that Erik's eyes had, the torture, the sadness. Erik didn't like failing, and he'd failed Mr. Jameson. Sage got into his black sedan and drove out of the elegant driveway, he couldn't help but wonder if Erik would actually figure out who the killer was.. Because they both knew it couldn't have been Ms. Jameson because Mr. Jameson clearly would've been too powerful for her to slit his throat alone... She must've had help... But from who?

A Nose For Murder: Pearls Before Swine (A Phantomstein Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now