Chapter 1: Juliette

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Morning. The part of the day when your bed has the strongest gravitational pull. No matter how many times your alarm clock ringed you just couldn't get your ass off that warm and soft comfort, could you?

Well, at least that's what my friends told me. Personally, I have always been a morning person. I jog, eat and shower even before my ride gets here. I'd never sympathize with my lazy friends who rushed everything in fifteen minutes before going to school.

I mean, seriously, we only have twenty-four hours a day. Do you really want to spend one-third of it snoring and dreaming when you could be out there fulfilling your dreams instead?

I shook my head at the silly thought and that's when my phone beeped while it flashed a message from Emma, my girl best friend.

Juliette, be a dear and wait for me at the gate will you? *_* I'll be late.

Exactly what I was talking about. Come on, why do people love the idea of rushing in the morning and not thinking about the consequences of being late?

Fine, but be sure to eat properly. You know I can't carry you when you faint, right? I texted and instantly I received a reply.

Prude. :{


Well, despite her lazy ass, I love my friend. I met her during our sophomore year and ever since we started talking about our likes and dislikes we became inseparable. Through the good movies and the bad. We hated Peeta and were both fans of Katniss and the Hemsworth guy in the Hunger Games and although we hated Divergent, we totally think that The Fault in Our Stars rocked. There are no good teen movies worth mentioning this year though. Such a shame.

I was still texting Emma when I heard a loud honk matched with a furious shout.

"Juliette! Don't tell me you're still putting your make up on!"

Etan Carter. The last boy on earth I would ever dream of talking to. If it wasn't for his brother, we won't last a minute in a single room. He's sarcastic, rude and he shouts too much in a random day at a random time. I couldn't even understand why he just screamed his lungs out when in the first place, they were the ones who's late. So why blame me?

I kept hearing his wails while I was locking the house. Psh, if he thought that words would make me go faster, he's so wrong. I hate being told what to do besides we're almost late for class and our teacher would definitely go nuts either way so why not take my time instead?

I took each step with an oh-so-glorious smile as I made my heels clank against the road.

His jaws almost dropped as he watched me in anticipation. "What are you, a runway model? Hurry up will you." He raised his hands up in surrender and before he glared, he made sure that we met eye to eye in the side mirror.

I grinned as I casually took my time, ignoring the fact that we still had an assignment to pass before the start of our morning session.

"Won't you even open the door for me?" I peered at the car's window and leaned closer to the impatient boy. He did not reply but his brother always had a ready smile in exchange for this boy's unnecessary frowns.

"Looks like someone's having a great morning." Nate Carter is my guy best friend and the only reason why I was still sticking to Etan despite his teenage mood swings.

"Fantastic morning actually until some slowpokes decided to be late." I gave a sarcastic bright smile as Nate chuckled.

"Right. Get in then princess and I apologize for my brother's tantrums." He talked gentlemanly and if he could bow while sitting in the driver's chair he would. "He's actually having a PMS." He winked and Etan turned to him with a deadly warning.

One of the lovely perks of my friend Nate. He's funny and that always helped me get by Etan's tantrums as he called it.


It only took fifteen minutes before we reached the school that I didn't even notice that the car was already at the front gate until I heard Etan's voice. "Do you want to rot inside the car?" He was holding the car's door open.

I wanted to spat at him but I managed to gather all my things and gave my cutest smile. A smile which made him back off in utter disgust. This was one thing that I'd never understand, the way he treats my cute gestures like I'm crap. They said my dimples could light up a hundred watt light bulb but to him I probably look like a smiling maniac.

"Get a hold of yourself Johnson." His cheeks burned red while I laughed at his silliness.

"You two, when will you stop fighting?" Nate interjected after he parked the car.

"When she stops teasing me," Etan answered while he covered his red face with his arm.

"Pass my assignment for me will you?" I ignored his answer and gave my homework to Nate with a smile that he found adorable. 

What? It's not self-proclaimed, he told me it was cute.

"Don't!" Etan screamed.

"What are you, ten?" I bit off but instead of fighting back he grabbed his grinning brother and went inside the school building without even saying goodbye.

Friends indeed.

And speaking of friends, where the hell was Emma? I knew she'd be late but not to the point that I was the only person standing outside the building. What am I a bodyguard?

She didn't even reply to all my messages. If she'd be this late I shouldn't have agreed to wait for her.

I was about to enter the building when I heard someone ran towards me. I turned back and expected Emma to come rushing towards me but instead someone else bumped me hard and it made me fall flat on my butt.

"Ouch!" I was so prepared to cause a scene, to show this stupid person who is boss and to get him to a detention room but when my vision cleared an oh-so-cute hottie stood before me.

He was reaching his hands out to help me up my feet but I was totally out of this world and all I did was to stare at those beautiful blue orbs like I was looking at the vast ocean.

My mind screamed with glee and I must've looked like a fool because he smiled apologetically and that's probably my cue to accept his hand.

"I'm so sorry." He held me in place as he checked if I have a scratch or something.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I grinned a foolish one and he released me. He smiled again and I almost swooned. He have such a gentle and a kind smile, exactly my type of guy.

"I'm Vincent," he introduced. "Vincent Somers."

Oh, dreamy.

I shook his hands but when I was about to say my name the bell rang and he run off just like that. The first cute boy that I wanted to befriend so bad was gone in an instant. Why is the world such a cruel place? Why? Tell me!

I heard someone whistle and I knew exactly who it was. "Emma, you freak. What took you so long?" I scolded but she grinned.

"He is hot," she shamelessly commented and it made me forget my anger.

"He is mine," I marked and she shook her head, grinning like a fool.

I smiled back and we strolled along the hallway totally ignoring the fact that we're late for our first class which would probably end up with the two of us processing our readmission slip.



Hoho. How are you people? Lol.

This was different from my first draft. Unlike the previous one which took 3 chapters before Juliette knew her crush' name, here I introduced him in an instant LOL. I just figured out that dragging it up to 3 chapters was overbearing and senseless so here goes. Hope it was better. 

So what are your thoughts on Juliette's character?


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