Chapter 3: Etan

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A/N: Woot woot.. There was supposed to be other scenes before this but bah, I'm cutting my chapters short already. From the original plan of 25 chapters I think this story will have 13 chapters or so. And it's Etan's POV.

Days passed after that incident with Juliette, I never saw her again which immensely pleased me. I don't want to hear her rant about how awesome and cool her beloved prince is. And how she'd blame me and call me a *dipshit*. Yes, she's not a nun. She cussed at me a thousand times. Seriously, for a girl who's so accustomed to ignoring boys, she falls hard on her first real crush.

But today I'm extremely tired. After hours of practice there's nothing better than a good shower with my team mates. We were really loud and instead of talking about our practice, we talked about a video game called League of Legends until we reached our respective lockers.

Some may find it old school or something but come on people. After a few minor glitches in the past, the game turned out to be quite astounding. The whole team is practically addicted to it.

"I'll beat you in the next game," one commented to the other person beside him.

"Come bite me, Rick"

"Dude no, that's disgusting!" I saw the guy shiver and everyone laughed.

"Never give up! We'll beat Rick one day!" An enthusiastic guy joined and shouted at the top of his voice. I smiled at this as I opened my own locker. Enthusiasm is cute, but it's only for the noobs.

Hell, unless you're in the winning team, NEVER GIVE UP is not the best motto. And Rick is the guy to beat in the group, so good luck to them.

Where's my body spray anyway?

The discussion suddenly died down. Well I don't know what happened 'cause I was still looking for the thing that's supposed to make me smell like chocolate. Ah, that commercial was so over the top.

Where is it?

I turned to ask my teammates if they borrowed it at some point but a terrifying vision crushed my focus.

"Juliette," I blurted her name in a speed that made it sound like a squeal.

I knew that was embarrassing but what the hell is she doing here?

"It's Nate," her eyes almost twitched at the mention of my brother's name. I tried so hard to process my thoughts because this was not a normal scenario. It was just a random day and I'm just looking for my body spray.

But here she was inside a boys' locker room, glaring at me like she's about to punch something as all of us stood, almost naked before her with nothing but a towel to cover our person.

I coughed as I clung tighter to my battle armor, which in this case is my towel.

Well, unlike the pompous bastards of the rugby team who loved to parade their bulky bodies, soccer boys are more of the conservative type. We never liked to display our flesh and be feasted upon by the ladies. So all of my team were shyly looking away, except for me.

Oh I would too but since Juliette's my problem, I am bound to chase this girl away from here.

"We will talk but please..." I paused scanning my vocabulary for gentler words to explain to this woman that she just invaded privacy but it seemed like League of Legends was all I could think of. She waited patiently for me to continue, clearly oblivious to the scene she was causing.

"Juliette," I struggled to form the words and I knew that my cheeks burned a furious red. When words wouldn't come out I just gestured for my towel and it seemed to put her in place because her eyes widened in shock and finally, the nitwit noticed that almost all of us in the room are not really in a decent outfit.

"I.. We.. We'll talk outside." She acted as embarrassed as I was and she stumbled her way towards the exit before she slammed the door shut.

"Dammit Etan!" Some of my teammates groaned and complained when she was away and I smiled sheepishly at them and mumbled an apology in the process.

Juliette Johnson, I'm going to kill you.


A/N: I know, I know.They just cursed each other. LOL. Anyways, the wheels will start turning fromnow on. But first I have to dealwith my life. Ta-ta!       

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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