Chapter 2: Juliette

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This is the place where you can see all kinds of people. There's the cute, the sexy, the nerd, the nice, the bad, the cool, the geek, the emo, the joker, and other types of people if you get what I mean.

I am not of those though, I'm more of a divergent. Get it? The type you'd vote as a student council president. Practically everyone in our school are my friends. Mean girls like me, science geeks adore me, and the jocks are afraid of me (although this has something to do with the twins).

But enough of that, I need to see Nate pronto.

I looked around and easy enough he was there sitting with some other guys. Most of them are part of the school's basketball team. Oh, and did I fail to mention that Nate's the captain? I would never know how he became one but apparently my idiot best buddy is a basketball hotshot.

Well anyway, before he saw me the other boys noticed me first and they nudged each other's shoulder like it was their first time seeing a girl approach their table.

"She's here," I heard one whisper to him and he faced me with a wide smile.

"Right on time, Missy. Lunch?" He gestured at his plate filled with a heart attack he called food. Gross. He was seriously eating junk, and by junk I meant meat. Lots of meat. Well, I'd be happy to tell everyone all the disadvantages of those cholesterol but the most irritating person just approached the table. 

I can't miss this one.

"Don't bother Nate. Juliette, as we know it, is a cow." Etan sat beside a boy who reacted with a loud 'Ooooohhhh' and placed another plate filled with heart attack on the table. The sight of the meat was repulsing but Etan has to pay for his rudeness so I forced a smile.

"It's called VEGAN, genius."

The others reacted with a louder 'Ooooohhh' and they laughed harder which included Nate.

They're kids alright.

After a hearty chuckle that almost made him cry he faced me and finally he asked, "You were saying?"

"Nothing. I just came by to ask how's lunch?" I suddenly lied. I don't think I could ask him now that everyone's attention were turned to us. They probably thought that I'm a crazy stalker here.

"What do you want Juliette? You don't usually come by and ask 'how's lunch', do you?" Instead of Nate, it was Etan who answered with a glare but then again I don't want being glared at so I sat down on a space beside him.

I expected him to flinch and move away like he always does when a girl's around but to my surprise he didn't. He was still glaring at me with those burning emerald eyes. Impossible I know. Green doesn't match the word burn but with his stare it's the perfect description.

"Hey. Cut it out you two. You're scaring away my appetite." Nate humored but Etan didn't budge, instead he folded his arms and smirked.

Ah! The douchebag smirked!

"I'm betting a week's allowance that you're here 'cause you need something," he continued and I glared at him. And as if it won't get worse, I saw Nate stopped eating. He turned to me, dissolved his charming facade and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I'll have to agree with my brother princess, you definitely need something." Both of them leaned closer and smiled an identical evil smile.

Ground, why don't you open up and swallow me?

This has always been one of the things I hate, when the twins suddenly team up against me. Now, they're BFFs? Puh-leaz. This must be some kind of a cruel joke.

"Fine," I blurted and grabbed both of them on a corner away from peering eyes and prying ears.

"I met a boy," I declared and both of them laughed. But when they realized I was not in the mood to humor them they coughed and gave an oh-your-serious look. "And I need information," I continued.

"What's his name?" Nate asked seriously and Etan raised a brow at me.

"Vincent Somers," I stated the name as calmly as I could and hid the fact that my insides were jumping up and down screaming hottie. Gosh, even the mere mention of his name was enough to make me squirm.

"Vincent who?" Nate furrowed his brow in confusion but out of the corner of my eye I saw Etan moved. And when I looked at him, our eyes locked, and understanding dawned.

Etan knows who he is! He tried to flee but by instinct I was able to grab him and slam him into a wall.

"Hey!" Etan complained and Nate laughed.

"Your problem not mine." He shrugged and Etan groaned as I tightened my grip on his collar.

"What's his class?" I asked as firmly as I can.

"How the hell would I know?" He resisted despite his predicament.

"Tell me or I'll smash the PS4 that you left at our house," I threatened and he stopped struggling.

"Who are you, the devil?" The shock on his face was priceless and if I wasn't here preventing his escape I might've took a picture and made it into a meme.

"Call me whatever you like but look who's on my evil clutches now!" I laughed sarcastically and pushed him harder on the wall. This made him flinch but it was not my act that caused his reaction it was something else. His eyes were directed at my back and when I turned around I saw him.

"Etan?" He asked with sheer amusement.

It's him! Vincent Somers.

"What's all the fuss about?"

My thoughts ran wild but when I realized that I probably looked like a goon who's bullying Etan, I released him. He tried to fix his crumpled collar and I tried to fix my hair and the creases of my dress. I don't want to look like a bloody monster here.

I sheepishly smiled at Vincent, and he returned the gesture but before I could pretend to be a fair maiden that needed to be swept off her feet, the insufferable douche talked.

"Nothing," Etan squealed like a shocked girl but still I beamed at him and expected a nice introduction to his friend. He owed me that at the very least.

But imagine my shock when he walked past me and placed an arm over Vincent's shoulder. My jaw almost dropped and the gloomy Etan grinned once again.

The Idiot!

"On second thought, I think I need to tell you something." There was still that smug look on his face and I wanted to punch him hard until he screamed and begged to help me.

How dare he?

Before I could even utter a pitiful protest he was already dragging Vincent away. Luckily, Vincent stopped him and he turned to me.

Oh sweet J!

"I didn't catch your name the other day," he started and it looked like he was hesitating to ask but still he did. "I'm Vincent, what's yours?"

Right here, right now. My heart just performed a double backflip and I almost kicked myself because I just felt my legs started to melt.

"Juliette," I said quickly before he could even run again and I felt victorious once he smiled with all teeth.

"See you around, Juliette." He waved goodbye and Etan glared at me before he tailed after Vincent.

Despite my happiness the only words on my mind right now were this:

Etan Carter, damn you.




Corrections, votes and comments are well appreciated. Thanks in advance lovely people.

So who's your bet? Etan, Nate or Vincent?

I need air!


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