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                      3 months later
*The "marriage" didn't happen in this story.
                        Erika's p.o.v.
So Anthony invited this girl over and she keeps hitting on Jake I can tell Jake doesn't like it and Jake and I have been flirting a lot soooo (Sorry Erika sounds like a bitch).
The bitch girl and Erika are on the trampoline.

Bg- So Jake is cute does he have a girlfriend?

               Jake heard everything
E- Y- yeah
Bg- Really who?
E- Me. So back off my man.
Bg- Damn ok.
                        Jake's p.o.v.
     Damn did she really call me her    boyfriend.....I mean Im not mad.

Erika thinking
OMG! Did I really just call Jake my boyfriend... we need to talk about this.

E: Hey Jake can I talk to you
J: Yeah sure I need to talk to you to
E: So out there that bitch girl asked if you had a girlfriend.. and I said yes and then she asked who and I said me..
J: Erika I heard and I was wondering... Do you wanna be my girlfriend
J: Lol.. Babe
They went on a date and went to Jake's room.
Erika thinking
Damn I really want to have sex with him. And team 10's out of town soooo.. I'm gonna try ;) 😉

Hey guys so I'm gonna make the chapter vry dirty with details so yeah should I make them have a sex tape Idk comment ttyl bye 😜💜

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