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Daxton's POV

"I'm home mom!" Carol yelled, closing the door while Garret came in with her. 

"Hi Garret, how's school?" my mom asked

"Forget about school mom, look at what he gave me!" Carol said excitedly, showing her hand. Her face got pale.

"A promise ring? Honey..." mom said as she looked at the ring unexpectedly.

"What mom? It's not an engagement ring."

"Mrs. Knox, if this offended you in anywa-" Garret started.

"No no, not at all. Its just you guys are still young in highschool. I'm worried that it's a little early."

"Mom, we're seniors. Don't worry about it. We're gonna go upstairs k?" 

"Ok..." she replied, still looking uneased.

"I wanna come too!"I yelled running up the stairs, catching up with them.

"Hey little buddy!" he smiled while picking me up, throwing me in the air. I giggled and laughed. 

"Careful!" Carol warned.

"Calm down babe, I got it." he said setting me down and kissed her.

"EWWWW!", I yelled. They laughed. "You guys are so gross." I crossed my arms and glared at both of them. They laughed again.

"Com'on, let's go play" Carol said smiling. Once I got settled with my dinos, Garret and Carol started talking about mom.

"I don't know why she's so worried. It's just a promise ring." Carol said.

"She's your mom. She has every right to be." Garret replied.

"What's a promise ring?" I blurted. Their attention turned to me.

Carol smiled. " It's when two people love each other so much, they make a promise to each other that they will be with each forever. That's gonna happen with each other. Right babe?"

"Yep." Garret grinned and kissed her again. I rolled my eyes and groaned. They laughed.

"Can I make one for Amber?" I asked. Garret narrowed his eyes.

"Dax, your 7 years old. You shouldn't be worrying about this." Carol replied.

"But Berry's my best friend and I love her a lot, like you guys. We're gonna be best friends forever." I explained.

"Since when did you become a lady's man, trying to steal my sister?" Garret asked, grabbing me and tickling me on my stomach. I tried getting out of his grip but was laughing too hard to even try.

"Dinner's ready!" yelled mom, and Garret stopped. This was my chance to tackle him. Carol took this by surprise and told me to get off him. 

"I gotta leave babe. See you tomorrow?" he asked.

"You don't wanna stay for dinner?"

"I gotta cook for Amber. Dad's out again with I don't know who" he rolled his eyes.

"Well, call me when you get home, k?"

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you too."


She smiled. "Forever."


Hey guys! First chapter might seem like crap, but it will get better. Also, comment if I should continue The Prisoner. Luv ya guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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