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1. Overprotectiveness

   It is something which is good for some, but for some, it is what destroyes them. Dear parents, lover, ex or whatever, please don't be overprotective. It is not good. Seriously. It is what has caused the loss which probably you are experiencing now. It kills the other person, unconsciously. So, please, don't be overprotective. You know why? Here's the example.

Imagine you are holding a baby. You hold her properly so that she doesn't fall. This way, shes comfortable with you, too. This is called protectiveness.
But, if you are too scared that she might fall, and tighten your grip, it will hurt the baby. So much that she will die at one point. You getting me? ;) So, please don't be overprotective. You are killing the other person. I know you just care about her/him but she cares about herself too and she'll make sure to not fall off as soon as she learns by herself. Okay? So please, think about it, and stop being this person who you really aren't!

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