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1. The roses and thorns would like you to state who you'd like to talk to. ( Character A +B)

2. At the rose brush, we suggest you start with a scene or we can discuss one together. Third Pov is preferred.


4. There will be no 1-5 word replays at the rose bush or one sentence, you'll be deleted. We like long responses however we prefer quality over quantity.

5. No unnecessary spam. At the rose blush, if you haven't received a pm please message (? Or! ) for a reply. That being said, please also message us that you've received our reply.

6. A month without reply the Rp is over !

7. The roses and thorns respect the people they roleplay with and would like the same in return  . If you don't want to rp or if it's getting boring tell the ooa in charge of the rp.

8. Twists and Turns are allowed however the ooa of the rp must know about it. Murder of the characters,  incest , major major age gaps ( 18 and 30 ) , suicide and age play. Will not be tolerated though.

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