Chapter 6 Health (J)

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Chapter 6 Jake

First hour health got a lot better as soon as Megan walked in the door. Her face flushes a light pink as she walked to Mr. Smith.

"You must be Megan, the new student, He says awkwardly.

"Yes, that is me," She politely says to him.

"Well miss.. miss McCarthey..."

"McCartney," She corrects him.

"Right McCartney.."She shifts her weight from one foot to the other while she folds and unfolds her hands. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class."

A look of pure terror crosses her face, she quickly regained her perfect facade as she turns to face the class.

"Hi. I'm Megan." She glances at Mr. Smith uncertain on what else to say.

"Umm Why don't you tell us what your favorite animal is." He suggests.

A wide smile covers her face. "A purple unicorn." She exclaims confidently.

A kid up front try's to pass off his chuckle as a cough. Megan notices and gives him a deathly glare. If looks could kill.

"Ok, class. Since there is a new student we will get a new seating chart."

I suspect he is only doing this because he doesn't actually want to teach anything today.

"Megan why don't you pick a partner."

For the first time since she walked in she looks at the students faces. Her face brightens as she locks eyes with me.

"Jake." She says as if it's the only things she knows in the world.

I feel my face turn red as numerous eyes turn to look at me. Like I'm the new student instead of the beautiful girl standing in front of the class room.

As Mr. Smith puts everyone in new seats she comes to sit by me in the back of the room. I can't help but check her out again as he walks down the aisle. Damn she is hot.

"Jake," She greets me.

"Hello Megan," I say calmly.

The rest of the class passes quickly as Megan and I whisper comments about the teachers teaching style back and forth.

One time Megan giggled... Loudly and Mr. Smith glared at us from the front of the room, but continued his lesson.

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