Chapter 23 Surprise (M)

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The last thing I remember is falling asleep in Jake's arms, by when I wake up it is dark outside and he is no where to be found.

I climb out of bed and go into the kitchen. Savannah must have made muffins. My stomach is growling at the smell of them. I take one off the counter and walk towards Savannah and Oliver's room.

"I think it's a great idea, but we can't just pack everything up and leave in such short notice." Oliver whispers.

"Well it won't be. Maybe if we let them know our plan they will give us more time."

This is the first time I have heard Savannah talk less than almost screaming. Its nice.

"Well then I don't see a problem. We will have to find a house... What about in Washington? My family is there and I haven't seen them in years."

"Or Oregon. Between Washington and California, where my family lives." Savannah shot back.

"Brilliant. We tell her tomorrow." I can hear the smile on Oliver's lips.

I walk into there room. The lights are dim and it's reminds me of a black and white movie.


"Oh! Megan!" Savannah is still talking in a whisper.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asks.

"I woke up. I didn't know what time it was or where Jake was. Then I got hungry and I saw your light on from under the door. What were you guys talking about?"

"You ruined the surprise." Savannah frowns.

Oliver looks happy that I am here now. "We are adopting you and Axle."

"I didn't think this was possible because you live here and so does she. They can make her move, and I know she won't by choice."

I feel like things are dangerous that some how if they adopt me something is going to happen to them. My mom was running from some thing, because she did something or someone wanted something? This is where I would need Axle.

"Well that's what we were just talking about. We are moving." Oliver states.

"You can't leave everything just for me as Axle."

"You sound like you don't want this." The frown on Savannah's face deepens.

Even Oliver's smile drops a little.

"I want it. More than anything, but I don't want to cause you trouble."

"You have been no trouble at all. The best of all the foster kids we have ever had. We both agreed that a child being more permanent in our lives it what we want." Savannah says in matter-of-fact tone.

"You don't know Axle." With that I turn around and walk back to my room.

It's great that they want children and they would make great parents but I don't think they could handle Axle and all the stuff that has happened to her and all her emotions and the way she reacts to things. She isn't like most 15 year olds.


When we lived in Florida where I met Courtney, it was the first time I had someone to talk to about Axle. Some how she got past our defense of keeping everyone out. Not only did I trust her but Axle and my mom too. If we were going to move I would want to go back there. It's always warm and right by the ocean. If I have to leave Jake I want to go where Courtney is.

"If you ever move again you could move in with me." Courtney told me the 2nd day I knew her.

We spent hours in her room talking about boys she liked, places I have been, her parents, my mom. We listened to music all the time anything from 90's country to hard rock to worship songs to just the instrumental part of songs.

We would go on bike rides and we never got in a fight or mad at each other. When I was with her she made me feel like there wasn't a care in the world, like Jake does now. Some how I know that one day in the future I will find Jake, Axle, and Courtney again. In the same place we will all be connected some how.

I was in my room and could feel the tears running down my face, but I didn't have time to cry. I had to get ready for school.

When I walk up to the front doors a girl with red hair jogs up to me. "Your Megan, right?"


She starts giggling like a child. "Ok thanks." With that she jogs back to her group of friends waiting for her.

"What?" I ask even though she is to far away to hear me.

I start walking towards the school again when I notice everyone looking at me like it's the first day of school again. When I get to my locker 'Axle is gone' is spray painted in red.

I look around to find who did this, but everyone is looking at me not one more than the other and they are all laughing. How is this funny to some one? Why are all these people laughing? When I open my locker there is a note. The hand writing is nice and neat.

Stay away from Jake or you will never see her again

This is so stupid. It's so high school. Some jealous girl is trying to scare me away from Jake when I don't even like him... ok maybe I do but no one could know that. The most this girl could probably do is what she just did. An empty threat. Still I don't understand why people think it is funny.

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