Caspian X reader - Forevermore -1

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This was requested by @padfootagain on tumblr. This is my first ever fanfic request. Thank you so much my friend for requesting this and of course, sorry that it took ages for me to write this!! I used some quotes so that I could bring out the fluffiness of the story.

You are sitting by the window, trying to concentrate on the book you are reading. It is your most favorite book in the Royal library in Cair Paravel. He knows that you love that book. He knows that you love books. So he made sure that you wouldn't feel lonely by adding a lot of books to the library.

He wanted to make sure that you were surrounded by things you loved while he was attending to his official duties. However much he wanted to be with you, his title and the responsibilities that followed left you both desperate sometimes. He is no ordinary man to love. He is the King of Narnia. Caspian the Tenth.

You came to Narnia with the Pevensies before the war of deliverance. A shy, taciturn girl you were of course. But it didn't make him difficult to fall in love with you. You became friends soon. Stayed with each other through thick and thin always. It didn't take much time for that friendship to blossom into love. You still remember how worried Caspian was to see you injured after the battle. He stayed besides you every night and day to make sure if you were well cared.

The day he confessed that he was in love with you.

It was the most ecstatic day of your life. You were sitting in your favourite place gazing at the stars that night. He stood next to you but he wasn't staring at the stars instead he was gazing at you. He loved the way How your eyes sparkled as you told him about the constellation. He loved the way how your hair fell down with your hair locks dancing in the wind. Above all he loved the way you smiled. He was so enchanted whenever he saw that beautiful smile adorned your lips and how it made your rosy cheeks go pink.

He loved all of you.
All other women of Narnia are at his feet still, yet you are the one who stole his heart. You love not his crown but him.

Sometimes he caught himself smiling alone without no reason and realized he was thinking about you. You stare through the thick panel of glasses again. The rain has started to fall down. You love rain. You love the chilly shivers it gives you so that you could find it as an excuse to nuzzle in his arms. You turn back to see the empty space beside you. He is not at the castle. Caspian had to leave Cair Paravel to sail to the Lone Islands for diplomatic reasons. Before his departure, he gave you the book you are trying to read now, saying "Wait for me, sweetheart. " He wanted to feel that you were waiting for him and he knew you would.

When you turn over to the next page, you feel that something is hidden among the pages of the book. So you flip over to see what it is. A letter in parchment paper is folded and safely attached to the page. At a glimpse your know who has written that.

To my beloved y/n,

By the time you read this, I'll be very far from you sailing to the east towards the Lone Islands. I wanted to write this because I know that you're lonely without me, my love and I miss you much too. I'm on the deck and watching the stars. I can see clusters of stars sparkling and shimmering in the sky. They are so dazzling! Do you remember the first day we met? And the day you told me that you loved me? I still remember how you smiled shyly when I said that. It wasn't only your beauty that captivated me. Your grace and your kindness to people was one of the reasons too.

Your smile can bring happiness to an aching heart and soul. It's your smile I long to see when I get back home. It's your smile that I yearn for after a tiresome day in the counsel. It's your arms I want to be in when the whole world is pressing me down. You saw my insecurities that no one else could see. It is you who bring a smile to my face everytime. If it wasn't for you, my love, I wouldn't be who I am today. Everyday I'm grateful to great Aslan for giving me you. Whenever I am with you, I'm being myself.

You know that dork and goofball in me. Don't you ? I love every time you call me that I'm a dork. Nobody ever dares to call their king a dork except you my love. However far away I will always love you. Wherever you are, whoever you are with I'll truly, honestly, completely love you and nothing will ever change that. You're meant to me my whole world and you are the only shelter in this world for me and at the end of the day, it'll always be you that my thoughts linger upon, my sunshine. I feel your absence very much. When I come back to you, wait for me with your beautiful smile.

Forever yours,
Caspian X.

Love is not perfect or flawless. It's messy and honestly that's the beauty of it. You were messy while he was well-organized. You always left his wardrobe in an utter clutter whenever your went on rummaging for his shirts. You loved wearing his clothes. He loved to see you wearing them. You remembered the day you tried to wear his crown while he was busy looking for the purple shirt he loved. When he stepped into his room he caught you wearing his crown and his shirt. A smile settled on his face as he saw you......

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