Caspian X reader Part 2

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33. Caspian narrowed his eyes angrily as he heard it.

34. You stared at him for a while mustering up words to respond. ''Adrien, I can't. I...'' He shushed you with his words.

35. '' I've not finished it yet y/n. You're in love with the king.'' He repeated. '' but are you happy with him? Does he spend time with you often? Is he there whenever you need him? No, he is not. He is attached to his work than to you. However, with me, everything will be different. I'll always be there for you. We'll be happy. You''ll be happy. What do you say now?' he asked you in an assertive tone.

36. Caspian felt like he was hit by lightning. There was a drop-dead silence in the hall. Adrien attacked his weak spot where he felt guilty for not being the best lover to you. He felt as if his heart was ripped into pieces because he knew that Adrien was telling the truth. Tears were rising in his eyes. All he wanted to do was to be the best thing ever happened to you but he couldn't. He stormed into his chamber and slammed the door shut. He flung his coat away and buried his face in his arms. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He needed you.

37. All you could do was stay silent. You were not happy in the past few weeks. Adrien was right. He didn't have much time to spend with you. He was right there too. Was he attached to his work than you? That was the place he went wrong. You thought.

38. '' Maybe you're right or maybe you're wrong.'' You said. '' but I do love him. He loves me too. I'm sorry to have disappointed you Lord Adrien. And I mean it'' You ran the steps up to the Astronomy Tower.

39. A table lied in the candle-lit balcony with your favorite food and drinks under the moonlit sky. It would have been perfect if Caspian was there too. You searched for him but he was nowhere to be seen until you came before his chamber.

40. ''Knock, Knock'' You said teasingly forgetting what happened with Adrien. ''Knock, Knock, Is anybody there'' You said again. Nonetheless there was no response.

41. You tried to open the door but it was locked too.

42. You turned away thinking that he wasn't there too. Suddenly you heard someone sobbing which took you by surprise. '' Caspian, are you there?' No response again but the sobbing continued.

43. ''Cas, is anything wrong ? '' You asks soothingly lowering your voice.

44. He wavered whether to open the door or not. He didn't want you to see him like this. '' I'm fine. Leave me.'' He said in a muffled tone.

45. ''No. You're not. Please open the door, darling'' You were making it difficult for him. 'Leave me alone y/n, I order you to leave me right now'' His voice roared as he stepped towards the door with angst.

46. You bit your lip. You felt tears running down your cheeks. He had never spoken that way to you. He was never rude to you. In fact he never used his title to order you until this day.

47. You wiped away your tears saying '' Alright, I'll leave you if that's what you want'' and left for your room.

48. It wasn't what he wanted. He punched the door in pain as he heard your footsteps leaving his chamber. He felt that you were walking far away from him. He couldn't bear it anymore. All he loved had already walked away from him and you were still there.

49. You stayed in your room for the whole morning and the afternoon. No breakfast. No tea. No lunch. Caspian's rage! Thanks to Adrien! You were starving! You hid your face in a pillow crying incessantly. You could tolerate all but Caspian's fury last night wounded you.

50. Caspian was in his room too. He skipped his breakfast and lunch deliberately. He knew that he hurt you and it tortured him too. He was not paying attention at all at the counsel. While the counselors were proposing their opinions all he did was looking away blankly. He turned his eyes towards the windows wishing you to be there reading your favorite book as usual. But you weren't there. He couldn't see you smiling at him. He missed your smile. Happiness started to drain from him. ''If she's happy with him, let it be''

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