Secrets Out

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Monday was a regular monday you could say except hobi was acting weird around me and whenever jungkook comes around me he looks different is there something wrong?

"Hey tae can you come over my house after school I really need to talk to you its really important" hoseok said while avoiding My eyes

"Sure I don't have anything else to do" he smiled but still looked unsure for some reason I have this funny feeling in my gut


"Take a seat and get comfortable" I did as I was told why do I have to get comfortable what the hell is going to happen?

"So you and Jungkook huh never would've suspected is he the reason why you didn't Want to go out with me?"

Fuck how did he find out this is not good

"Listen hobi I was-" hoseok laughed bitterly he was heart broken feeling all types of emotions at once

"You don't have to explain yourself believe me I'm happy that your happy but I'm hurt that you didn't tell me I thought we were you know best friends and best friends tell each other everything"

"I wanted to tell you and the rest only person that knew was jimin and I'm sorry ok I was just scared that you would freak out and tell the principal then Kookie would loose his job maybe even go to jail and I didn't want all of that to happen because of me I couldn't live with myself if his life was ruined and I was the reason" I said while crying damnit why do I get so emotional when it comes to him

"Its alright tae I understand stop crying I forgive you and I promise that I won't tell anybody but still you need to tell jin and the others they need to know they are your friends as well" fuck I hate it when he's always right

"Alright then hobi im ready for them to know during lunch bring them to jungkook's classroom" hoseok smiled and and nodded while hugging me I wonder how would this all go?


"Taehyung if you keep pacing back and forth you'll get dizzy its ok dont worry your friends will love you no matter what" kookie tried to reassure me I dont know why he's so calm at a moment like this

"What if they be disgusted what if they dont want to be my friends anymore fuck why am I so nervous" I sat on his desk pouting I know my friends might not care but what if they do you know how jin can sometimes get over protective

Jungkook's chuckled and sat next to me on his desk caressing my neck right now is not a good time to become horny but whenever he touches me I can't say no jungkook is my only weakness

"Shh my love and relax stop worrying please i dont like to see you this way" he then kissed my neck and bit it lightly making me shiver

For some reason those calm words made the jittery sensation go away I was calm I felt confident if they couldn't accept who I was then whatever I know Jimin supports me and also hoseok I'm fine with just the two

I was interrupted out of my thoughts when the whole gang walked in yoongi sat by the window with a bored look on his face Jimin sat on his lap namjoon and jin sat in the front row looking confused maybe thinking why are we here while j-hope walked in last and locked the door standing by it with a excited look on his face this is going to be hell

"Alright I bet all of you are wondering why am i here and ready to go back to lunch well hyung's I have something important to tell you all that I've been keeping to myself for a while" I said while standing up

"Well get on with it tae they're serving lamb skewers at lunch and i don't want to miss it" yoongi said with a scowl on his face

"I-im well I w-we" I couldn't say it its like the words got lost in my throat fuck my heart feels like its about to fall out of my ass I looked at kookie and he nodded knowing that was a cry for help

"Me and taehyung are a couple that's what he is trying to tell you all" the class went silent I couldn't even look up the ground was so interesting at this moment then yoongi hyung bursted out in laughter what is so funny I looked at him and frowned

"That's the big news you know next time you two decide to fuck in a classroom dont be so loud it was hard to cover up for you two last time" wait what my face was as red as a tomato jungkook was laughing awkwardly rubbing the back of his nape

"I mean it no surprise since i saw you limping out the art room and mr jeon walking out after fixing his belt I didnt want to say anything and ruin the run" namjoon said while smirking damn caught again

"Plus you two are too obvious staring at each other and flirting during reading class I wonder why didn't everybody put all the pieces together yet" jin smiled and rolled his eyes I didn't know we were that obvious

"I guess hobi was the only clueless one wow kookie you were right well since you all know you can go to lunch now" I giggled and yoongi was the first one to get up and run almost making Jimin fall hoseok right behind him Jimin laughed and left namjoon and jin were on the way out but jin threw a condom at me and said "use protection im not ready to be a grandparent" I love all of them

"Well tae tae we have time untill next period how about we put that condom to use" jungkook's said while grabbing my ass

"I thought you'd never ask" i said while giggling


"Kim taehyung you're in big trouble" Cha Hakyeon said while walking away from mr jeon's classroom smirking

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