The Backstory

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            Do you ever get that feeling like the world around you, the world that you knew so well just yesterday, has come crashing down in too many pieces around you? That’s how every day of my life feels.

Ever since my mother left me to be with her boyfriend, I’ve been alone. She chose a man that could supply her with heroin, over her own daughter. So I began with a “Where are you going Mom?” but got nothing back but a nasty face. Then when I came home from school that day, she was gone.

 The apartment, trashed. Money; gone. There were holes in the walls and trash on the floor. I heard a crunch with every step I took to get to my room. My bed was torn. I guess she really did hate me.

When I was younger, she would tell me I was a mistake. That she would have left if my father hadn’t left first. But guess what? I managed. Alone and 12 years old, I was going to start my life over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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