Welcome To The Apocolypse

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Once again, you searched. For supplies, people, answers. Not that you found any. Ever. It had been almost 7 months since BLInd took over. They have taken everything. Cities are mere skeletons of what they once were. You'd lived in Battery City for two years prior to the 'incident'. You had nothing left. Everything taken. Not just belongings but lives of all those dearest to you along with many innocent others.
There was nothing left.

Even though there was nothing left, you still searched. You left the small flat which you had been staying, well, hiding in for the past 7 months and left down the long stairway. Everything was empty. You cautiously left the front doors of the building in fear of dracs finding you. These were the workers of BLInd and about two months ago you were nearly caught by a group of them probably patrolling.

You walked down the old streets you once knew as lively and busy. As you came to a dark alleyway you picked up your backpack with emergency supplies like water and tinned sweetcorn you had scavanged from one of your ex-neighbours deserted flats.

It was then you heard dracs. They were close. You stealthily sprinted down the streets and before they could notice you found an old subway station and ran down the steps. This is when you started to ponder.
"Why am i even trying? Where will i go? NO! You can't give up!"
Annoyed at your own previous thoughts you decided to pick a random subway tunnel and follow it. You walked through the empty sub-station. Many glass panels had been shattered and the sunlight shone strongly through the few windows that remained. You came to a tunnel and jumped down onto the tracks. It wouldn't matter if they were electric because the power had been shut off since a month after this all happened.

You decided on walking left through the tunnel. You knew you'd be walking for a while so you took a steady pace.

》》》Time Skip《《《
☆2 days☆

You sat down on the brink of tears. There had been no stops for two days and you didn't know what to do.
"Maybe I could turn around?"
Just as that thought ran through your head you noticed some light from down the tunnel, but only a glimpse of it. Suprised you wandered over to it and amazingly there was a small hole in the ceiling of the tunnel. You through your backpack up after failing a few times and began to climb up.

The Sun burned your eyes like when you wake up from a peaceful slumber. Climbing out of the hole you noticed sand. As your eyes adjusted you looked around and noticed sand as far as the human eye can see. Just you in an abyss of nothingness.

You once again began to walk aimlessly in the sweltering sun.
You walked for what seemed like hours but to be honest you couldn't tell the difference between the seconds into minutes into hours. Night fall soon swept over the waste land and that's when you noticed a road. You walked out obviously not looking as why would you. The dark had almost consumed anything when a sudden flash of light came from your right. Then a loud clunk as you rolled over the bonnet of some car. Then a strong searing pain throughout your entire right side of your body. Your eye lids were extremely heavy and all you could hear was loud cursing and screeching of tyres on pavement.

"What the fuck did we hit?"
"You got the torch?"
"Shit, Shit, Shit"
You heard the incoherent mumbling of four voices. Then the familiar sound of many footsteps on sand closing in.
Simple actions like speaking or moving seemed like the hardest thing to do right now. You couldn't even cry despite the pain you were in. Then, you felt the warmth of light on your face and the faint light behind your eyelids.

"Guys you gotta see this!"
"Holy shit it's a girl Party!"
"Party's a weird name."
You thought to yourself.
"Has she got a pulse?"
You felt a light squeeze of fingers on your wrist.
"Yeah. "
"Get her in the car."
You then felt the sensation of being carried and you steadily drifted out of conciousness."

《A.N: Hey, i wrote this cos i was bored. Is it good/ should i continue? I like this book so far and i have a plan for the plot

*dun dun dun*

Anyway thanks for reading! Byeeeeeeeee

Darker//Party Poison X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now