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Blinking your eyes to adjust to the light in the room, you couldn't help but feel the pain ring through your body. "Eck." You clenched your teeth. You slowly sat up in the bed you were in and started to look around. It seemed like a hospital room. 'How did I end up here?' 

All the memories of that night rushed over you like a tsunami. Your breath became uneven as your heart beat sped up, slight tears were almost making their presence in your tear ducts, before the door opened.

You looked over to see a young blonde girl, not much older than you. Once she realized you were awake you could see the relief flush over her. "I'm so glad you're awake!" This confused you since you had never met this woman before in your life. "E-excuse me?" You raspily asked. She made her way to your bedside checking over some of the burn wounds you had gotten after re entering the burning mansion. "My apologizes I forgot we haven't met before, but with how fondly Jojo talked about you I couldn't help but feel as though we've met before." She hummed, continuing her examination. "Well it looks like you are doing as well as you can be with these wounds." She looked up at you seeing your still confused stance. She let out a giggle. "Sorry I still haven't introduced myself. I'm Erina. Erina Pendleton." Your mouth made a 'o' shape as you realized this was the girl Jonathan had fallen for years before. 

"It's nice to finally meet you." You managed to croak out. "Did you and Jojo ever work that little issue out?" You asked generally interested. You could still remember just how stressed out Jonathan had been about the it. Erina had a sad look on her face and looked at the ground, not wanting to meet your gaze. "So he told you about that."

"Well he told me he thought something was wrong, but I left before he could tell me what it was." You replied truthfully.

"I was an idiot to let what had happened effect what Jojo and I had...well what we were beginning to have at least." She let out a breath before continuing. "A guy stole a kiss from me and I felt so ashamed to tell Jojo, especially since I wanted him to be my first kiss." Erina then realized exactly what she had said and a blush came over her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that and sound creepy!" This made you chuckle. "Don't worry just because we're friends doesn't mean I'll tell him everything. And wow I can't imagine that Jojo wouldn't beat up the guy who did that to you." 

"Well looks like he did, it was Dio after all." Erina replied. She then walked away to get you a cup of water. Your eyes widened at her reply. 'It was Dio?'  You couldn't believe what Erina had said, but at the same time you could. Dio was looking out for every opportunity to ruin Jonathan's life and going through Erina was definitely one of the biggest things he could do to get under Jonathan's skin. It was just the same way for you as well, you had been another game piece Dio used to get at Jonathan. Your eyes glossed over at the thought. "Are you okay (YN)?" Erina asked, voice laced with concern. You looked towards her and gave her a small smile. "Yeah I'll be just fine."

"How is Jojo doing?" You pondered. The last you remembered seeing him was after he and Dio fell through the mansion.

"He has a lot of injuries that need to be tended to and he hasn't woken up yet, but I'm sure he will soon." Erina smiled. "Oh! I better go tend to those now that I've checked up on you. Let me know whenever you need anything!" She swiftly hurried off to go check on Jonathan and you couldn't help but smile as she left. At least you knew your best friend would be in good hands with the girl who still loved him even after everything Dio had put her through. And now when Jonathan woke up they wouldn't have to worry about him anymore, since Dio was the one who got stabbed by the Joestar's guardian deity. 

Your drowsiness finally flew through you and your eyelids began to flicker. Dio was gone, but were you really happy about it? You knew the answer better than anyone, it was a bittersweet feeling that you couldn't get off your chest. But at least as you slept you wouldn't have to think about it.

A Midnight's Innocence: Dio Brando x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now