Mysterious Energy

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Speedwagon had visited the following day and explained that he was the one that brought Jonathan and you to the hospital. Apparently he had visited during the night before as well, but you were sound asleep so you didn't even notice his presence. 

"I guess some people are just fated to meet each other." Speedwagon commented, referring to Erina and Jonathan. You let out a soft smile. "Yeah, it's kind of nice to see those two together. You can really tell how much love they hold for one another."

 Speedwagon let out a cough from the chair he sat in at your bedside. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Dio and you were a thing right?" You quickly looked a Speedwagon a bit surprised he could pick up on the small feeling that was between Dio and you with all the events that had occurred on that fateful day. You slowly shook your head. "I mean I guess there might have been something there at one point, but it's not like anything could have happen or is going to at this point."

"That doesn't mean that the love wasn't there." You were beginning to hate just how observant Speedwagon could be. "I guess even monsters can be capable of love at some point. But is it really worth being in the grasp of a monster?" Speedwagon incited.

Speedwagon then noticed the newspaper that sat upon the nightstand. He grabbed ahold of it with his good arm and grimaced at the title. "I can't believe Scotland Yard still hasn't been able to catch this bastard." You leaned over a bit to glance at the paper and saw the title 'Jack the Ripper Strikes Again'.  You had heard rumors about the man who brutally murdered women, though you weren't too keen on reading the articles about the events so you didn't know all the details. But you knew better to be cautious of the streets of London by now, you doubted you would ever encounter another murderer like that again.

The door opened to reveal the injured Jonathan as well as Erina accompanying him . "Hello (Y/n), eh Speedwagon when did you get here?" Jonathan started walking towards the two of you. Speedwagon tipped his hat in acknowledgment. "Just a little while ago, I figured I should check up on the both of you." 

"And just so you know." Speedwagon said, standing up, and then putting his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. "You can always depend on me from now on no matter what comes at us."

 After a brief farewell to Speedwagon, Jonathan moved closer to your side. "How are you doing?" He questioned. 

"Probably a whole lot better than you." You nudged him.

"That's not what I mean, (Y/N) are you really fine with everything that's happened?" You were gratefully for Jonathan taking the time to care about you, but you really wanted him to focus on himself for once and take the time to heal.

 "I'm fine Jojo, honestly." Jonathan looked at you skeptically he knew, just like you did with him, when something was wrong with you.

"Jojo and I were going to head to the mansion to see if we can find anything that might be salvaged. If you feel you're able to we'd love you to join us." Erina commented. You didn't really feel like wanting to be the third wheel, but looking between the two you could tell they generally wanted you around.

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