Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

I awoke the next morning to a single bright ray of sunshine searing into my eyes. I put my hands in front of my face as an attempt to shield out the burning light. Once I had realized it was Saturday I got up, closed the shades, and got back into bed. Right as I was about ready to fall back to sleep, I woke right back up due to a a laughter filled scream. I knew right away that it had to be Collin.

"Get up!" Mason yelled from the other side of my door.

"No," I told him stubbornly. I pulled the covers farther up over my head. "Go away!" I moaned when I heard him aggressively knock once again.

"It's almost noon! Now get your lazy butt out of bed!" I heard footsteps fading down the hall so I knew that I was in the clear to go back to bed.

"Come on, Caylin! Mom made breakfast!" My heart sank in my chest. Mom. There was no way that I was going to call another woman that. It was unbearable to think of the day that they had died. I hadn't even been able to see them and say goo bye before they were turned into ashes. The part that broke my heart the most was knowing that I was the reason that they had been driving that day. Kaden had tried to assure me that it wasn't my fault, but I would always know deep down in my heart that it really was my fault despite whatever anyone else told me. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to live with that guilt, but I knew I was going to have to try. I had to make my parents proud of the person that I am today and that I will be in the years to come.

I slowly crept out of bed and rubbed my eyes with my hands. I had no idea as to what I was going to be doing today. I had sleeping etched into my agenda but I'm sure that the guys are going to make me do something today that you would only enjoy if you were a boy. Which I wasn't.

As soon as I looked in the bathroom mirror I remembered that I was still in my clothes from last night. My make-up was smudged all over my eyes and my hair wildly draped over my face. It would take a weed whacked to fix this mess, I thought to myself as I tried to run my fingers through my hair. I knew that it would be impossible to get all of the snarls out by using that method, so I resorted to using a brush.

Once my hair was as soft as it had been before I went to sleep last night, I plugged in my straightener. Luckily for me it didn't take too long for it to heat up. I ran it through my hair a few times and then proceeded to unplug it.

Back inside my room, I rummaged through the several dresser drawers to find something to wear for the day. I wanted to wear something that would get Kaden's attention, but I wanted to avoid looking like a tramp. After several minutes of searching and digging through piles and piles of clothes, I settled for a pair of white shorts and a neon pink tank-top.

I ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Caylin," Mrs. Owens greeted as she flipped a plate of pancakes.

"Do you always make breakfast food for lunch?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked me. "It's only 8."

Mason, I cursed under my breath. He was so gonna get it!

"Do you have any plans for the day?" She asked me as she poured more batter onto the flaming hot skillet.

"Not that know of. I was going to see if the boys were doing anything and then possibly ask if I could join them." I sat down on a stool at the high top counter. Watching Mrs. Owens made me think about my mom. It was getting easier to look back on the memories that we had shared, but it still tore me apart inside. I knew that they wouldn't want to see their only daughter wasting her life away by moping about things that she can't change.

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