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     The camping trip went on and ended without another sighting of that thing. I was happy that I didn't see it again, but I was also curious as to If I really saw it. At the time it happened I saw him, but as I look back on it now, it was nothing but a deer. You're probably asking how I know what he was really there now, aren't you? Well its not entirely because I saw him, Its because the day after we got home, there was a CD on my pillow. I had examined it and seeing that there was nothing written or printed on it peaked my curiosity a little.

    I waited until my whole family was asleep before sneaking to the living room that night. I was sneaking into the living room because we have a desktop there with a CD player, Once I had turned on the desktop I inserted the disk.  I saw the events unfold, the tall man was in the video, but it was incredibly difficult to see, the video was very distorted, but at the end, the video cut off to a black screen with white letters. The screen read "No Use Running, Скоро вы услышите наши крики." Of course I didn't know what it meant, and I wasn't to eager to find out. I had quickly disposed of the disk.

     I had told Elizabeth about it the next morning, she didn't believe me, she told me I've been watching to much horror. I had decided to talk to one of my closest friends at school about it, thinking he may know something, since 99% of the time he knows everything. I managed to catch him during 6th hour, since we had the same class. We were in a cooking class, and in the same group. So while the food was in the oven, I pulled him to the side. "Noah, can I ask you a question, its important." I asked rather quietly, since I knew how aggressive he could be if I annoyed him,.

    "Is it life or death?" Noah asked in a dull tone. I nodded and gave him the most serious look I could muster. "Then what's the question teddy bear." Noah said, I knew I shouldn't waste his time with stupidity.

     I explained what happened over the trip and what happened with the disk. He seemed to go ridged when I mentioned the tall creature. Once I finished explaining, Noah had grabbed a sharpie and grabbed my arm. At first I tried to jerk my arm away, but he held me there as he drew something on my wrist. Once Noah had released me from his iron grip, I looked at what he drew. He had drawn an oval, with two lines going through it horizontally, and a vertical line through the middle. Before I could ask why he drew it, he spoke.

     "Keep that on your arm, Don't wash it off, draw it on anyone else who was with you when you saw it. I can't tell you anymore here, But I can tell you more this weekend if I can come to your place." Noah said in a dark and serious tone. I just nodded, I have never heard Noah talk like that, so it was a little scary.

     I followed Noah's directions, and once I got home, I managed to catch Liz and draw the symbol on her wrist as well, then told her the same directions Noah told me. After that, I just waited for the weekend.

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