Thalico (Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)

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I don’t own any of the PJO or HOO characters. Rick Riordian does. None of the events from HOO happened, but I’m still using the characters, and Camp Half-Blood is still in alliance with Camp Jupiter.



Today we return to the Camp Half-Blood. It has been a few years since the Hunters have been there. I really miss Annabeth, Percy, and Nico. Last time I saw Nico, he was about thirteen, but he seemed more mature than that. I am frozen at age fifteen. My birthday is coming up. It’s like a week before we leave. I would have been sixteen. Percy and Annabeth are probably about nineteen and Nico is probably about sixteen. I am really happy because the Hunters and I are staying at Camp for about three months while Olympus was being rebuilt. This meant I would be home.

After about another hour, I can see Camp Half-Blood. I think about all my friends and then I realize that Percy and Annabeth are going to be older than me. They will continuously tease me. We make it to the borders and step through. I feel more peaceful here. I have missed it. Lady Artemis told me to notify Chiron that we are here before leaving to our cabin. I spot Chiron near the archery stand. He is trying to teach a camper. Try being the key word. He is as bad as Annabeth told me Percy was. I load my bow and hit bull’s eye. Chiron and the camper turn. The camper goes wide-eyed and bows while Chiron smiles and walks over.

“Thalia. Great to see you! How are you?” he asks.

“I’m fine. Thank you for asking. I just came to notify you before we load our cabin and-“ I start to say before I am cut off by a scream.


I barley have time to turn around before being tackled to the ground by Annabeth.

“Annabeth!” I yelled back to her.

I waved the Hunters on to the cabin without me.

Just then a tall boy with black hair and sea green eyes comes over- wait! Sea green eyes?!

“Percy?!” I ask.

I knew that Percy was taller, but I last saw him when he was sixteen. Both him and Annabeth had grown taller, gotten a tan, and, just, changed.

“The one and only!” he said back.

“Nice to see your ego hasn’t changed, Kelp Head!” I say sarcastically.

“You too, Pinecone Face!” he said back, while hugging me.

We released and I saw someone behind them. He had black hair and black, obsidian eyes. He was about four or five inches taller than me. His skin was kind of pale. He was very fit, and may I say, muscular. I know I wasn’t supposed to think this, but he was really cute. I was about to introduce myself, but I realized who I was.

“Nico?!” I asked. I didn’t really believe that this was the short thirteen year old Nico that I remembered from when I had left.

He chuckled and said “Nice to see you too, Sparky.”

I playfully glared at him. “Watch it, Death Breath!”

He smirked and said “Come on! You know you missed me!”

I rolled my eyes but walked over and hugged him. “Whatever you say, Ghost Boy.”

We wrapped our arms around each other’s waist, but only for a few seconds. Even in those few seconds, I felt a little spark inside me. What is this? I’ve never felt this way before. About anyone.

We released and I saw that he was staring at me. I met his gaze and he looked away slightly blushing. I blushed too, but I don’t know why. I never blush! Oh my gods! Am I- No!! I am not in love with Nico di Angelo.

 I turn back to Percy and Annabeth who are looking back and forth between me and Nico.

“Annabeth, will you come with me to put my stuff away in the Artemis cabin?” I ask to break the silence.

“Sure!” she says perkily.

We walk away and I steal a glance back at Percy and Nico to find Nico staring at me. I quickly turn back around, but not before Annabeth notices.

She smiles at me and I say “What?!”

“So, you and Nico, huh?”

I blush. Ugh! There is something wrong with me today! “Annabeth, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Suuure!” she said sarcastically.

We dropped my stuff off and went to join the boys.



Percy, Annabeth, and I were walking through camp to ask Chiron about the next capture the flag, when I see a demigod wearing mainly silver, but with this edge that makes her look kind of gothy. I don’t think that’s a real word, but whatever. She pulls and arrow out, loads the bow, and shoots it over some kids head. It hits bull’s eye. Then I realize that she must be a Hunter. Wait if the Hunters are here, than maybe Thalia is here! I kinda like her, but I mainly was excited for Annabeth. I was about to point it out, but just then Annabeth screamed.


Then she runs and tackles her to the ground. Wait! That girl is Thalia?! No wonder she had the gothy look. She didn’t really change since the last time I saw her-Well! No duh! She’s immortal!- but she looked even more beautiful than before. Even with wearing silver, she had small aspects of black and she gave off this aura of power

Percy and I walked over and she hugged him. They were talking, calling each other names, and laughing. Then she looked up at me with her striking electric blue eyes.

She stared at me for a few moments before her eyes widened and she said “Nico?!”

I chuckled and said “Nice to see you too, Sparky.”

She glared at me, but I could see the smirk she was trying to hide.

“Watch it, Death Breath!”

I smirked and said “Come on! You know you missed me!”

She rolled her eyes, but walked over and hugged me. She said “Whatever you say, Ghost Boy.”

In the hug, we wrapped our hands around each other’s waists. I felt a spark. It was small, but it was still a spark. This has never happened. Annabeth and Percy have been trying to set me up on blind dates, but I always refuse. I think I really like Thalia, but she’s a Hunter of Artemis, so it’s hopeless. We only hugged for a couple seconds, but it made me want to never let her go. She looked up at me and caught me staring at her. I blushed and looked away. She blushed, too. Wait! I made her blush!

She turned back around and Percy and Annabeth were looking back and forth between us. I blushed and after a minute of awkward silence, Thalia and Annabeth left to drop her stuff off. As she walked away, I stared at her. She quickly glanced back at us with her beautiful electric blue eyes that I never wanted to look away from.

I turned back around to Percy. He had a smirk on his face and was staring at me, trying not to laugh.


“You like Thalia! You like Thalia! You like Thalia!” he starts to chant. Might I add, rather loudly.

“No I don’t!” I say, blushing.

“Dude! I know you like her, but I didn’t know you liked her enough to blush! You never blush!” he says.

Of course I blushed even more, but I thought about what he said. He was right. I never blushed. Do Grace?! I guess I’ll just have to see.

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