Nick Part II

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I got my Police uniform from the hollow closet. I showered and brushed my teeth. After getting dressed. I toke out my phone to check the time. 6:40 am. Not bad. As I walked out I was wondering how carrots would react if I asked her out for a relationship. Without focusing on the path ahead. I received a honk from the hippo. I was in the middle of the street busy thinking of my love ship with Judy.
“Focus” I repetitively thought
I was still dark in the early dawn. The grass misty from the rain from last night, the slight breeze making it the part of town cold in the winter. Even though tomorrow was the first day of fall. When I arrived at the park. I saw the moon. Bright as always. As I waited in the park. I see a teenage, browned eyed, black furred panther striking an 8 – year old panda, just across the street.
“Hey, ZPD. Your under arrest for assault and child abuse!"
As I approached, he quickly sprinted and dropped the kid. I wished I would have chased him but what about the panda? 
As I zoomed
back to him. He wept. His face having endless amount of cuts. His lips being swollen. His paws filled with the blood. I assisted him on getting up and asked for his name.
“Hey champ, What’s your name?” I asked in the sweetest tone as possible
“I’m E-Erick” he stuttered from the incident and making a weird sense of motion but I didn’t bothered
“Nice to meet you Erick. I was wondering where are your parents?”
He points at a bush behind a bush. Afterwards, I singled him to follow me. In every step I took. It felt like a step closer to death that was unpleasant. Once I arrived I was speechless.
Erick’s mother was unconscious but still breathing. I was mislaid. Either to collect information or to run to the hospital, which is 5 blocks south of Antler St. I got pressured. I just got the Erick’s mother on my back and walked to the hospital with him on my side.
“So Erick, do you mind to tell me what happened?”
“Today was my birthday and my mom gave me a present. It was collar. As I she places it on. She gets abit blue as she puts it on.
“What’s wrong mom?” I asked.
“Nothing darling, it’s just that putting this on is how society is going to accept us.” She said
“Ok. Why are you waiting. Let’s explore.” I said before she strapped it in.
Once she put it in. The light from the collar turned green. I got so excited for the places I was going to discover with my mom. My mom told me to stop. But I got into my fantasies about adventure until something shocked me. I looked at mom. And she was crying knowing it was ganna happen. She got shocked too. Her collar covered inside her shirt. She never told me she had one to. She told me she was sorry and she would take me somewhere. I asked the park and we left home.
But as sound as we arrived. My mom was punched by a stranger. She fell behind the bushes. I tried to run to her until the blacked fur animal picked me up and throw me into the other side of the street. Making me land on a broken piece of glass on my face. I cried. The collar turned yellow. He got me from the back of my skin and started punching me too. Until my collar shocked and shocked him also. Then I heard you.”
I could have said more but all that came out was
The hospital was 2 blocks away. But the tame collars. Those old buddies of mine. In order to be in Zootopia freely; is to wear the tame color once your 8 years old. I was wearing the tame collar until ZPD took it off because it would be very grim working with it on duty. Judy wasn’t all pleased with the tame collars. After watching a polar bears taming party, she got kinda upset with the idea. In order to get rid of them. We would have to start a revolution.
When we were a few steps away from the entrance. The pediatrics helped on getting the older panda off my back into the emergency room. When me and Erick enter the hospital. It was even chiller than outside. The walls were white just like my room.  Tiles are white. We were there the only animals in the waiting room. I talked in the radio to send the calmest and kindest. Before we could take a seat, I felt a heave from my uniform.
“What’s going on buddy?”
“Where am I going”
I felt a piece of innocence fall off my branch. Probably knowing where he’d go.
“You’ll maybe be going to ZCPS”
“No. Please. I beg you. Somewhere else than that place” beginning to cry
“Do you have another parent.”
“No. That’s where I came from. I’m adopted.” His collar turning yellow.
“What can go wrong champ, it’s just a building with other kids. You’ll make new friends.”
“Your right. Are you going to take me?”
“I will not be escorting you. Officer Clawhauser will.”
“But I want you in my side. I only rely on you. You saved me and my mom!”
He’s emotionally unbalanced by the tone of his voice.  It’s the first kid that would actually rely on me. Which caught my attention in that instant. All the other kids would cry or tear up once my face was present.
“Calm down” I said calmly
“How about he takes you and you call me anytime you want help or a visit. Want to make that a deal?”
We remained silent until Clawhauser came. I told him to make him as proud as he can and was commanded by Chief Bogo to send him to Zootopia’s Child Protective Services while her mother heals. As we finished chatting. I waved them both goodbye. Until I was alone again. As I exit, I come across a nurse looking at me and saying under her breath. I’m a big fan of your work. I replied with a thanks and she giggled. Her laugh was so similar to Judy’s!
As I go through the text messages, I see Judy texted me 1 minute ago saying, “I did something wrong.  Please come here! I’m at where you always tell me to wait for you!”  
Author's Notes
Bold means refrence. In this case it's a book here in Wattpad? Can you guess?

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