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"You have no power over me." I spit blood from my mouth and wiped the bits that had dripped down my chin from my lips. 

"You sure about that?" She taunted. I cocked an eyebrow at her challenging her to test me. She wound a fist back preparing for another blow, but I caught it. Her face twisted with surprise, eyes wide and mouth open. I rose from my slumped position against the wall, clutching her fist tightly and rising to my full height, which wasn't tall at all. 

Her shock started to ebb away and as she began to struggle, I yanked her arm harshly, twisting it behind her back and up towards her shoulder blades. I moved my mouth to her ear and felt a smile peel across my busted lips.

"Who's got the power now, you inconsiderate ass." I taunted in the same voice she used on me. I shoved her away from me and turned to walk away, never once laying a hand on her except for twisting her arm backwards. 

She let out a scream and I turned in time to catch a blow to the jaw. My head snapped to the side and I stumbled from the force. I opened my eyes finding her annoying smirk staring down at me. I stood up straight, ran a hand through my hair and dove in. 

My fist connected with her nose first. The pop that emitted from it was sickening but I was livid and didn't care. She swung towards the side of my head and I dodged it. I yanked her foot out from under her and watched her fall to the ground. I was on her immediately and let my fist make contact with her lip, busting it and another on her cheek bone, before I got off her and pulled myself back in. 

"I hope you know that they got that whole thing on camera and I will be heading to the front office to let Principal Wilkes know that his daughter just bullied and assaulted me for the shear pleasure of it." I wiped my lips again with my stained shirt sleeve and chuckled. 

"Honey, my dad knows that your a grade A snob and bully. But go ahead and try your luck.¨ I bit the words out harshly and popped my jacket once before heading down the hall. The crowd parted letting me leave and I couldn't help the thoughts that began to swarm my head of the drama that would soon ensue over Hill Tower High School. 

But I also couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face and the joy that I felt for showing up the biggest bully in the school. 

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