CW's The Flash

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Before we start, I just wanna make sure Wattpad isn't having a glitch or something. Sometime in the past, I uploaded a rant on CW's Arrow, and it has 7 views as I'm telling you this right now. So how did this book get an extra 60 views in 1 day? I'm not gonna make a big deal about it because I remember there used to be a time where we went from 300 views to 400 views in one day. So I know we can do better. But now that I've got that out of the way, here's a picture.

 But now that I've got that out of the way, here's a picture

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This show kinda follows the same path Arrow followed. The first 2 seasons were great!

And then they have us season 3.

Now don't get me wrong, season 3 wasn't Arrow seasons 3 and 4 bad, it just wasn't as good as the first 2 seasons.

I was getting hyped up for Kid Flash to finally start kicking butt. But the way they are dealing with everything is going way too fast.

Season 3 started off based off of flashpoint, a flash comic book. Which I think was a bad move, considering the fact the one of the things flashpoint had was Thomas Wayne, or this world's Batman. Which he was a fan favorite in the comic. We haven't even gotten the original Batman a tv show.

And in the comics when Kid Flash for his speed, he could only run a little bit faster than the speed of sound. Then over time he was then able to travel at the speed of light, like Barry Allen.

The show already had him almost faster than Barry. He hasn't had a full season!

I know that comics have confirmed that he is the fastest Flash there is, but that took years, not one season.

And the show is starting to get repetitive. This is the third speedster villain in a row!

I also didn't think Savitar wasn't as good as Reverse Flash or Zoom. And honestly, when they were trying to figure out who he was and then they figured out it was future Barry, it wasn't that shocking.....

So far, because of season 3, I think this show is alright. I don't think I care as much about season 4 like I do arrow season 6. But that's just me.

Be on the look out for a Legends Of Tomorrow rant.....

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