What Taylor saw was a whole CAVE OF TRESURES!!! There was so many gold and gems! And some of Coral's scales! OMG!!!! DID THAT MEAN CORAL WAS IN THE VERY ROOM????!!!!!! Taylor hunted through all of the tresure and called Coral's name. But coral didnt respond so Taylor started to cry but then she remebered she had all of this tresure, so she could just bribe Jake to give back coral!! but first she had to find jake so she tred to text him but he didnt respond. so she called Him and left a voicemail who say "Jake I have So much tresure now so go to the cave i know you know where it is go to the cave and bring coral or else youll never get any golds or tresure!" Then she waited in the cave on a throne made up all of diamonds.in one hour jake arrived at the cave with coral in his hands. "JAKE!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN IVE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER BUT NEVERMIND GIVE ME CORAL RIGHT NOW SHES MINE" and so jake said "omg fine if your going to be a baby about it but you have to give me all of this tresure . and gave Coral back to Taylor. Coral was so happy she was crying!!! But then A GIANT BOOM RATTLED THE CAVE......
To be continued.....
So hey guys SOO so so sorry I havent been updated I know you must have been so suspenseful but don't worry, the wait is over HERE'S A NEW CHAPTER. But anyway I havent updated in so long because guess what my DOG HAD PUPPIES!!! I have a golden retriever named Missy and she just had four puppies on September 25 we name them Saturn Jupiter Mercury and the runt Pluto 😂 😂 😂 do you see the theme? lol its galaxy if you didn't know. 😂 BUT I LOVE THEM SOOOO MUCH!!!! And by the way we live in springview nebraska so if you live in Nebraska tell me and maybe when the puppies are older you can have one!!! ANYWAY LOVE YOU ALLLL!!!! I'll try to update sooner than last time, but we have to take care of the puppies and stuff their sooooo cute omg anyway HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CLIFFHANGER TOO