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Sighing tiredly, Jungkook removed his shiny black shoes and set them by the door. As he reached the living room he dropped his briefcase on the fluffy mat covered floor  and flopped on the black leather sofa.

Jungkook was a very messy person, if not for his maid that would visit every Tuesdays his house would be a huge mess. But you can't exactly blame him when he's really busy with all the papers from other companies and some of his own too.

Managing a company isn't as easy as it seems to be. But managing a company and your own home?

Ever since he had become the President of his company he barely even had the time to treat himself, stay at home and relax. He was always working hard, being the president had its own pros and cons.

Jungkook had remembered how neat and tidy Hoseok had always been, he always managed his own home well. But because of this neat attitude of his Jungkook had always felt at home. Jungkook groaned out.

Ever since you would've thought that Jungkook forgot all about Hoseok but it was quite the opposite, everything that he seemed to see always had a connection to Hoseok.

How could he possibly forget about Hoseok when he was the only one who had successfully captured his heart? Every second of the day he wondered if Hoseok had eaten well, smiled a lot. Never had he stopped caring for the hyung, they had left on bad terms.

Jungkook had always wondered why Hoseok had been holding back, Jungkook knew there was at least a bit of feelings stored for him because Hoseok kissed back. He could have just pushed Jungkook away, but he didn't.

He had a choice.

Jungkook would sometimes feel Hoseok's lips ghost over his own, the memory of his sweet lips never left the younger's memory.

But one time wasn't just enough, he was greedy. He wanted those lips again, the lips that had him in a dream like state for days.

One time isn't enough.

update cause you guys made my hope reach 600+ votes, i love you all <3

hope you guys liked this (:

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now