twenty three

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The remainder of the day consisted of Hoseok taking care of Jungkook, washing him up and feeding him to get some food in his body.

Jungkook felt the need to pee so he quickly went to the toilet while trying to hold it in and finally letting it out after reaching the restroom, after urinating he made his way to the counter and leaned forward as his chest tightens.

His heart rate sped up and slowed down, Jungkook just gasped out in pain as this kept on continuing.

"What the hell is happening to me?" He muttered as he washed up his face to try to get rid of the warm feeling in his face. He slowly walked out the rest room as his hate rate began to slow down to its normal rate, he just shook out the recent happening and thought of it as nothing.

As he entered the living room he saw Hoseok on one of the couches looking at a photo album stored under the coffee table, it was his and Jimin's photo book as they went through the years. That photo-book was literally a walkthrough their whole lives until now.

"Already invading my privacy?" Jungkook chuckled as he walked over to the older hyung who jumped in surprise

"Oh sorry I just—"

"No its okay, why don't I explain to you the remaining photos?" Jungkook offered as he looked down to see the photo book to the day of his 12th birthday, Jungkook and Jimin were together their arms slung over each other while they were seen laughing along with their other friends

"That was taken on my 12th birthday, the day after I spent a whole in the hospital because I had this really high fever and it went on for a week that I literally I fainted in school." Jungkook said remembering the memory clearly, he didn't like hospitals because of the eerie feeling the hospital held. But he had no problems with the needles and blood, but just the ambiance he didn't like.

"That doesn't seem too much of a happy memory, they days before I mean." Hoseok explained and Jungkook nodded

"Yeah it didn't feel very pleasant. Hospital food sucks balls." Jungkook stuck his tongue out of disgust making Hoseok laugh loudly smacking Jungkook lightly as he did so

"Out of experience I have to agree but no cursing please Kook." Hoseok chuckled as he smiled at Jungkook who smiled along.

Jungkook's eyes trailed down to Hoseok's lips, remembering the way it felt against his own a few years ago. Hoseok's eyes looked at Jungkook's lips, the younger slowly leaned as if a sudden unknown force just pulled him to Hoseok.

All he wanted was to feel those cherry sweet lips again.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now