The Rescue (might be renamed as I continue it)

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A sudden gale blew through the cavern. Teuf let out a mad cackle. Standing firmly opposite him was Bethany, her hair whipping around gracefully. Her eyes flashed with a fierceness that wasn't there before. Charlie and Shawn were still trying to break free of their bonds. Bethany glared directly into Teuf's eyes. He smirked.

"I didn't think you would come."

"Let them go," her voice seemed to stir the air around her, but she was not yelling.

"Fight me," said Teuf.

"There won't be a need for that. Let them go," she retorted.

He laughed some more and said, "You're just afraid to use your power in front of them. Show them your true form!"

True form? Charlie and Shawn looked at each other, both perplexed. Bethany remained motionless. Tired of waiting, Teuf went into a rage. He reached his arm back as if to pitch a baseball. When his arm came through he released a ball of fire toward Bethany. She calmly held up a hand and a white flame issued from it. The white met the red and both dissipated. He shot another and another. She met each blow equally. Finally Teuf produced a wall of red fire and hurled it. With both palms splayed she issued forth a nearly blinding white light, but was thrown backward by the force of the attack.

The bright light faded to reveal Bethany on the ground a few feet from where she had been standing. Something white was moving underneath her. Charlie squinted. It looked feathery. She scrambled to her feet. Teuf looked smug.

"I knew you couldn't conceal it from them," he said.

Shawn gasped in awe. Dainty, yet somehow powerful, wings had sprouted from her shoulder blades.

"Behold, an angel of the Heavens," Teuf proclaimed sarcastically.

Her wings beat silently and she rose into the air. What could only be described as a red thunder cloud appeared under the feet of Teuf and he ascended to meet her. They continued to battle.

"So which of them is it?" Teuf asked.

"What do you mean?" said Bethany.

Teuf gestured to the boys. "Which one?" he asked, dodging a blast from the angel. He shot back a crimson flame.

Bethany deflected it. Teuf continued his taunts.

"It's not secret you have a track record of falling in love with mortals. But if you ask me," another fireball, "love is weakness," he sent another blaze toward her. She flew to the side.

"I wanted to know which one," he continued, "but I suppose I could use both."

He aimed another fire ball. At the boys. Bethany dove and thrust out her arm towards them. The fireball never hit.

"Tsk, tsk, force fields, no fair," said Teuf. His next fireball tipped her wing. It fizzled out quickly, leaving some singed feathers. A few of the more charred ones fell to the ground.

With both hands she emitted the brightest light yet, which enveloped Teuf. 

Enraged, he let out a howl and shot a column of fire from his mouth.

All at once the cavern trembled and the air sizzled. Teuf spat flames at the angel and she fell. The hellish demon descended with terrifying grace and stood squarely looking at the boys. Bethany laid on the ground with her arm outstretched toward them. Her body spasmed as if being electrocuted over and over.

"Force fields take lots of energy. The more she tries to protect you, the faster she dies," Teuf gloated.

Charlie struggled against the ropes binding him and tried to move toward her. It was useless. Teuf cackled some more. Suddenly, Bethany let out a strangled gurgling sound. A white light shot from her mouth and and arced through the air. It made contact with the side of Teuf's face.

"AARRRGGGHH!" he screamed in agony, falling to his knees.

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