My Fault (SoMa)

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A/N: The song is "Kiss It All Better" by He Is We.


"Do you, Soul Evans, take Maka Albarn to be your beloved wife?"

"I do." The man in question spoke, gazing into the female's viridian eyes.

"Maka Albarn, do you take Soul Evans to be your husband?"

"I do." The female simply smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest bellowed, taking a step back.

The both of them leaned forwards, capturing each other's lips. The crowd erupted into cheers as the two parted and started to walk down the isle.

The doors were suddenly flung open and screams echoed throughout the church.

Soul's POV~

My eyes focused on the enormous doors.

My body completely froze.

Standing there was a man. And in his hands was a gun.

Gun shots buzzed past as I tried to block out the shrieks of pain and fear.

"Tsubaki!" Maka screeched, tearing free from my grasp and stumbling towards the black haired girl. I turned my head and gasped. Tsubaki was laying on the ground, clutching her side. I clenched my teeth, running after my wife. Kneeling down next to the injured girl, I tore off some fabric from my tux and wrapped it around her torso to stop the bleeding.

"Let me help." Maka said, slinging her friends arm around her shoulders and guiding her under a table to hide. Another bullet whizzed past, grazing my arm. I winced, stumbling backwards.

Panic overwhelmed me when the man pointed the gun at Maka. I shouted at her to move as the trigger was pulled. I reached forwards, attempting to stop the spray of bullets

But I was too late.

Everything seemed to slow down. I watched in horror as Maka's legs buckled, sending her to the floor.

"MAKA!" Leaping forwards, I wrapped my arms around her and emitted a choked up cry.

Two bullets had penetrated her flesh just below her chest, while another had torn her right leg to shreds.

Blood quickly streamed down her chest, creating a large pool of blood. Her body convulsed as she sucked in ragged breaths. More of the red liquid trickled down her chin from the corner of her lips.

"H-Hey... Maka..." I whispered, hugging her closer. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

"Soul... I-I don't w-want to die!" She wailed quietly, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"You won't die." I reassured her, pressing my hands on the two bullet wounds on her chest.

"S-Soul... I love you." She muttered softly. Panicking as her heartbeat slowed down, I shook her.

"I love you too!" I sobbed, tears beginning to obscure my vision. I leaned downwards, pressing my lips against hers. A few seconds passed before I felt her go limp.

"Maka... hey Maka...? Maka!" I screamed, continuously shaking her petite body.

"No... no... no no no! Wake up! Please!" I begged, cradling my wife's corpse. "Please..."

I noticed the man a few feet away. I lunged, ripping the gun from his hands and shoving it up against his chest. I swiftly pulled the trigger.

I shot him right in the heart.

He dropped down dead, and a few minutes later police arrived.

I was arrested for man slaughter.

I'm sorry Maka. It's all my fault...


~Jade 💚

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