chapter 18

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Andys POV

I knock on the door, shaking with nerves. The last person I took on a date was Juliet but...She's in the past now.

I hear footsteps and a voice but I'm unable to make out the words, over the sound of Rebel. That dog is so cute! The door opens and Kay stands there. A black dress, that's fitted at the top then goes into a almost tutu like, above knee length skirt with studs, clings to her curves. On her legs are fishnets and her shoes are black ankle boots. Her hair falls in red waves past her shoulders and her eyes are lined with black, red eyeshadow underneath. Her nose piercing and lip rings are in and large hoops sit on her earlobes. Her lips are full and red. Her outfit is completed with a BVB studded jacket. I've never seen her without a jacket. She says she's scared of her scars. The ones caused by herself and her dad. In other words she looks stunning.

"Are you coming in?" She asks in her usual English going into American accent. Ever since she moved here she hasn't been able to shake it. I realise she asked me a question so I nod and walk inside, blushing slightly. "Aww is Andy blushing?" She teases. I shove her playfuly and she giggles. Holy shit her giggle.

Rebel barks and runs in circles around my ankles. She's gotten so big now. It has been a few months. I guess we never spent much time with her to realise, we were mainly in hospital.

"Ok I think we are almost ready to go. I'll just go grab my phone, it's on charge in my room." Kay says. I nod and watch her run lightly up the stairs. She's so beautiful.

"Don't hurt her. Remember what happened last time. I don't want that happening again." A slightly feminine voice sends me a warning from behind.

"I won't. I love her. I won't push her to do anything. I do remember." I reassure them. "Good, I'm glad. She might be strong physically and mentally but when I comes to love...not so much." Kellin reminds me. "I know. Like I said, I won't push her. I don't want to lose her again." Now I'm just trying to reassure myself.

"Ok, just don't throw yourself under any cars and you won't." He jokes. I smile softly then straighten myself as Kay comes back down.

"Got it!" She grins triumphantly. "Cool! See you later sweetheart. Love you."

"Love you too Kells. Tell Vic I say bye. Bye Rebel!" She reaches down to stroke her dog then stands up and takes my hand, lacing her fingers through mine. I squeeze her hand and instantly confidence rushes through me. I can't wait for tonight.

Just a short chapter! This one, the one before and then next will be quite short because then it will be the last chapter and things get dramatic! The next one will be in Kays POV and it will just be their date. Hope you like! Thank you so so much for all the reads and comments it means a lot :) xox

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