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Raven's POV
It's been two days since my little talk with my future self. I ignored Beast Boy. I told him to sleep on the couch. I didn't talk to him unless I absolutely had to.

And I was miserable.

Today was the last day before we had to go home. Future Cyborg assured us the device would be fixed by tomorrow. I wondered what would happen. Would things be the same, or different? Did I want to acknowledge Beast Boy before we left? Maybe I wouldn't get the choice.

I was walking down the hallway for breakfast when I saw Future Beast Boy. He was leaning up against the wall, frowning. When he saw me, he frowned even more.

"Hey." I had attempted to walk past him without saying a word, but his arm in front of me prevented that.

"What?" I asked solemnly.

"Why are you blocking him out?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. My younger self. Why are you ignoring him?"

"If your his future self, you should already know the answer." I spat back, venom in my voice.

"Then, let me rephrase that. Why are you so afraid to love?"

His question hit me. Why was I afraid? "Because I'll blow up the whole universe if I kiss or hug anyone. Because I'm destined to end this world anyway. No one needs to get attached."

"They already are attached. The day you met them you established a friendship with them. That attachment happened long ago." He replied. "And, you've hugged plenty of people. Including moi. Has anything blown up then? You think your father might ruin the people you love. Has he tried to interfere with your life yet?"

"No, but-"

"Then why are you afraid? You won't end the world. Look around. You didn't. That prophecy happened when my Raven was 18. You're 17. I was already dating her before that time." I had noticed that my future self hadn't seemed worried about the prophecy. It had already occurred.

"Look," I said, tears starting to form. "I can't take the chance that my future will be the same as the one right now. I can't hurt him. He means to much to me for that."

"I don't know if that's true. You've already hurt him enough to shatter his heart." And with that, he walked off to the common room, leaving me to my thoughts and tears.

Beast Boy's POV
"I don't know if that's true. You've already hurt him enough to shatter his heart." I heard my future self's words float back at me. That's a little harsh, I thought.

I saw her in the hallway, tears streaming down her face. I wanted to go help her, but I held back. She wouldn't even look at me for two whole days! Why would she need my help?

But, maybe she does need help. No. No Beast Boy, you must hold back. But...No, I must hold back. I internally struggled with myself before walking to my room.

I had been in a considerable amount of pain over the past couple of days. I was lovesick. She wouldn't talk to me, I couldn't sleep in her room anymore, we barely made eye contact. What had shut her down? Why did I still like her if I had no chance? Something was keeping me in line. And now I knew what it was.

My future self had said she was, "afraid of love." Maybe she was too afraid to love me? And what was all that talk on the prophecy? Who is her father? I sighed. She's way too mysterious. How can I get her to be open? I guess I'll just have to go to her room and ask her, even if that's a suicide mission.

Raven's POV
I had run back to my room in tears. I was sobbing on my bed. Why, oh why did I shut him out? I had no chance now. A knock sounded at the door.

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