Powers and Tears

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Raven's POV
I couldn't believe that I just flirted....with Beast Boy! It was mild, sure, but I hardly ever flirted to anyone. What was happening?

After I teleported away to my (or my future self's) room, I walked around, head in hands. Things were flying around the room and my hair was whizzing around my face. That little talk with Beast Boy had given me some things to think about. Or worry about. Would he ask me out? Why did he think I was beautiful? Does he like me? But, I'm a demoness. There's no way anybody could love me. Or could they?
I just wasn't sure anymore.

Beast Boy's POV
After Raven teleported out of the common room, the rest of the Titans grinned at me.

"So...what was going on when we got here?"

I was a little groggy, because I couldn't believe the girl of my dreams, the Ice Queen, had melted just enough to let me see her more.

"I just realized Raven is a really good flirter."

Robin's POV
Hmm. Raven seemed to be more open. Why? Beast Boy had basically said she was flirting with him. Why? Did Raven like Beast Boy? Why? The list of unanswered questions was endless.

I called a team meeting, but specifically left Raven and BB out of it. Cyborg and Starfire sat in front of me, waiting to hear what I had to say.

"I think we've all noticed some recent....changes in our two teammates."

They all nodded. "I think they like each other." Cyborg said, grinning. "Maybe we can play matchmaker!"

"I don't think you should interfere." A breezy voice said from the common room door. Future Beast Boy was leaning against it.

"Why not?" Robin, ever vigilant, stated the question with a suspicious air.

"It could result in a far dangerous situation than what is to come to pass." He replied.

"Like what?"

"Imagine if your two teammates who have the worst angry sides in the team become so mad they couldn't even look at each other anymore, all because you locked them in the basement for a few days. The Tower would be in pandemonium. The Teen Titans would end. Maybe even the world would end. Raven's destined to end it anyway." (A/N This is before they figure out her destiny.)

"What?!" They all cried. Future Beast Boy slapped his forehead and silently chastised himself.

"It's a future thing. She'll tell you in her own time. All I'm saying is playing matchmaker for them could result in the end of the world, for real." He let that sink in before leaving the room.

"They'll figure it out before the week ends, mark my words! You guys can just watch from the sidelines and see love bloom!" He called before the door shut.

Their shocked faces were reflected around them. "So, no the maker of the match?" Star innocently asked.

TIME JUMP: That Night
Raven's POV
I still couldn't calm down. What was happening to me?! Am I in love? Do I have a silly school girl crush? Do I even like him at all? I went to Nevermore, read all my books on romance, but nothing was working. Love didn't know. Neither did Knowledge. My books had failed me for the first time in forever. Why is my world seeming to end?
A knock on the door startled me. My hair still whizzing, objects still flying around the room, I opened the door. It was Beast Boy.

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