The Wrong Path

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They took a deep breath and stepped into the portal, and were scooped up by an unknown force. They screamed as the portal began to spin around them, and they turned around desperately, looking at the opening for help. But the opening had already closed. Wind flashed and they somehow heard thunder, then a laugh. A maniacal laugh. Which sounded just like....

Raven and Beast Boy clung to each other because their life depended on it. Raven emitted a high-pitched scream as she pointed ahead. There was Warp, somehow with a full new suit of armor, with a device in hand.

"I heard you two lovebirds got together because of my accident!" He screamed over the noises of the portal. "So I decided to separate you, and corner you that way!"

Beast Boy growled and turned into a whale, and tried to swim after him, but before he could do that Warp pushed a button on his controls, and Beast Boy disappeared. The last thing Raven heard of him was, "RAVENNNNNNN!" One point for Warp.

Now, I guess Warp didn't know this, but if you get a demon mad, they almost always win. Raven was so enraged that Beast Boy had been transported to who knows where, that she screamed and used her raven form to grab Warp, dangle him by his feet, grab his machine, and almost crush him. One point for Raven.

She saw the other Titans ahead and desperately clicked the button that had appeared on the screen. Her and the rest of the Titans disappeared. And reappeared in the exact same place they'd been in five minutes before, Rachel and Gavin looking at them curiously. Beast Boy was no where to be seen.
Hey peeps! This is the end of the book! You've made it! Yippee! Or not, if you really liked this. Anyways, I'm thinking of writing a sequel to continue this? Whaddya think? I'll let you know on the next page, so readers, flip or scroll or whatever once more to see my sequel news and credit thingies! And Hamilton pictures!

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