"I'm nothing without L"

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Mick's POV:

L still hasn't come home. I do not understand why. It's been going around and around my nut for weeks. We've been together since we were teenagers. Never left each other's side. But now she has. I'm nothing without L.

She's called me a few times now. I have answered a one or two phone calls. All L says is she is sorry and that her mom needs her. Well I need her too. I hate feeling this selfish but like it has been over six months since she left. I need her. Her husband needs her. I need my L. I am nothing without her. 

I can't stop drinking. It's like I can't get through the day without the drink. It helps me cope. I always regret drinking the next morning but I just keep doing it. Everyone is getting sick of me drinking. Nance, Shirl even Tina. 

The other night I had been drinking since 8am. It was 10pm when L rung me. I was so happy to hear her voice.

"Mick, you there?"

"Yes I am baby." I was slurring my words so I'm sure she could tell I had had a drink.

"I miss you so much. I'm sorry I just need to stay with my mom"

"Yeahhh, you've said."

"Mick, don't be like that please. You know Mom. Only wants family to look after her. She's my mom and I love her"

"Don't love me though do you L?" I could feel myself getting more and more angry.

"Mick, you know I love you. I love you with all my heart"

"Well if you loved me, you would be here with me wouldn't ya? Not in Watford."

"Mick, you know I need to be here. I love you so much but I can't be in two places at once. Mom needs me...."

"Yeah well I need you too!" I burst into tears.

"You have no idea, L. How it feels to need someone so much but they are not there. I feel so alone L. I'm nothing without you L.  I need you more than ever, if you don't come home in the next few days, I know I will do something stupid...."

"Mick, what do you mean, something stupid?"

"Bye, L"

"MICKKKKKKKKKKK" was all I could hear as I was ending the phone call. I need her more than ever....

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