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If being fake was so much work, then why was everyone around me that way?

Week 2:

One week in, and I've found that Siyoung is really easy to work with. We finished the first track that he started working on, and now we're working on another one. Our ideas are very similar and I'm really excited for the album. As much as this is our duet album, it's still my debut, and it's got me freaking out a little. I can't dance, and my visuals aren't the best, I'm betting my whole self on the quality of my work, in a sense that was what Siyoung had done. His good work got him praise and a good image.

Siyoung POV:
Despite Jeehyuns original mature and reserved self, once she opened up she proved to be much more lively than expected. She nicknames me "Mistah G." Getting used to it was kinda weird, a nickname for my stage name. But the nickname stuck, and she used Jinny as her stage name.

Third Person POV:
"Mistah G.!" Jinny waves down the hall at Siyoung. "So I've been thinking, instead of making my lyrics all depressing like yours, I'd try to relate them to people more, and show a positive side to things."

"Ooh nice idea, I guess I can't help you much with writing lyrics," Siyoung smiled. They hadn't decided on a stage name for Jeehyun yet, but they had run through many lists none of which had worked. Jinny was her nickname, but it didn't fit for a stage name. It had been about 2 months since they started working on the album, most of the beats had been made, and recording would be starting in a couple weeks. Choreography and the music video was a different matter. With their hopes, the whole project would be completed in maybe 5months or so.

Jinny was writing lyrics when siyoung walked in.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"It's ok, just trying to work through the songs I guess." She sighed.

"Well let me hear it!" He said while hitting play.

Jinny sang and rapped her part, there were awkward pauses but for the most part it was complete.

"Wow..." was all he could say.

"It's really on and off, I'm not sure how to fill in the gaps."

"Huh..." he said making her laugh.

"YAH!" She yelled slapping his arm, "If you're not going to help then get out!"

"HEY!" He yelled grabbing her arm, "I'm helping.. see.."

"See? See what!" She laughed again.

"See..." he paused thinking, "SEE! I'm helping you relax!"

"Yeah" she gasped for a breath. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," and just like that he left with a wink.

Without expecting it, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

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