Nowhere but Here

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Request: nope! but you voted and ye shall receive! Everyone misses our fellow scarf boy, so hopefully this will help

Word count: 1,670

Warnings: none??


Autumn in Beacon Hills was one of the most beautiful places in the world, and one of the most stressful. The amount of work given this year, even in the first couple months of school had been rough. Stacks and piles of various reading assignments and worksheets could often be found scattered along my bedroom floor. I'd stayed up so late last night trying to study for an upcoming test, that by the time I looked at the clock on the wall, the numbers were blurred and my eyelids felt so heavy that I hadn't had the energy to lift them again.

The next morning, I waited outside of the school for Isaac. I took deep breaths of the crisp fall air and watched as the red and orange leaves fell from the trees. The quiet rustle of the leaves was calming and my eyes once again began to feel heavy. I crossed my arms against my chest and leaned back against one of the stone column near the main doors. I let my eyelids flutter shut, but before they could close, I caught a glimpse of a curly haired boy coming towards me.

My arms fell to my sides and my eyes opened wide at the sight of him. A small laugh escaped my lips when I took in the full sight of him. His curly hair messily atop his head, bookbag and lacrosse bag slung over his shoulders, motorcycle helmet and lacrosse stick in one hand and a tray of coffee in the other, he truly was a beautiful mess, wasn't he?

I shook the thoughts of him out of my head and brought my eyes to meet his as he continued to walk towards me. As he got closer, my mouth began to open, expecting to greet him happily, but instead was replaced with a gasp. One of his long legs stepped up towards me, as the other was left behind and made contact with the curb of the sidewalk. A cup flung from his grasp and met the front of my shirt, hot liquid drenching it, and undoubtedly leaving a huge stain. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and held it outwards, away from my body in hopes for it to stop dripping.

Isaac regained his balance and looked up to see what had happened. His jaw dropped, and began apologizing profusely. "I am so sorry Y/N" he said quickly, eyes wide, as he brought his arm around my shoulder and escorted me inside. It took me a minute to understand why he'd been acting so weird but I quickly remembered the shirt I had been wearing was white. And you could see everything underneath. Wonderful.

Isaac fumbled with the zipper on his bag before rummaging through it and pulling out a spare jersey. "Here, wear this" he said, extending his arm out to me and bringing his azure eyes to mine. Afraid that I couldn't string together a coherent sentence with the way he was looking at me, I gave him a quick "thanks" before rushing into the bathroom to change.

After slipping the soft fabric over my head, I took a minute to admire the way it looked in the small mirror hanging on the wall. The hem of the jersey stopped a third of the way down my thigh and the number fourteen draped across my chest. My fingers twirled through the fabric, letting my mind fill with thoughts of him. The way he smiled, the way his arms wrapped around me every time he hugged me.. My heart was full but also ached, he was just a friend and that was all he would ever be.

The sound of the door opening and a group of girls walking in broke me from my trance as I took a deep breathe and made my way back into the corridor. He stood there waiting for me, people watching in the hallway, only noticing my presence when I placed a hand on his arm. His eyes came straight to me, and scanned my body before speaking, "Lookin' good, you ready?". I nodded my head and broke eye contact, not wanting to see all the dirty looks and scowls that inevitably came with wearing Isaac Lahey's lacrosse jersey.

After what felt like forever, we finally reached Scott and Stiles's lockers. They stood there deep in conversation, only to be silenced when we walked up to them. They gave each other a look and then switched their gaze to Isaac and I. Oh no. My eyes went wide and I tried to stealthily shake my head "no" before they said anything, but I was too late. "So, Y/N, you finally told him huh?" Stiles teased, looking in between myself and Isaac. "It's about time!" Scott added in, giving Isaac a pat on the shoulder. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and almost flinched when I heard Isaac's voice.

"Told me what?".

We all sat in silence for a few seconds before Scott directed his attention to me. I gave him a head shake and I could tell that he understood. The smile dropped from his face and right as Stiles began to speak, "That she- ow!" Scott elbowed him in the side. All three boys were now looking at me, my cheeks red, and tears starting to form in my eyes. The sound of the bell ringing allowed me to exhale the breath that I'd been holding in for so long, and gave me an excuse to leave. As I walked away, I could hear Isaac call my name, but I hadn't any energy to deal with this right now.

Hours passed, tests were taken, and I was still avoiding Isaac. I couldn't deal with the fact that after he knows, it could ruin our whole friendship. I care so much about him, and the thought of losing him made my heart ache even more than before. After school, the best thing I could think of doing was to hide under the covers, away from the world, so that's what I did. That is, until Lydia showed up and pulled the comforter off, demanding I come to the lacrosse game with her.

"It'll help take your mind off things Y/N, c'mon! Come with me!" she pleaded.

"He'll be there Lyd, how is that going to help?" I question, looking down at the jersey I was still wearing, running my fingers over the fabric.

"Yes. He will be there. So either you can tell him how you feel, or get over him and scout out all the hot players on the other team" she says, pulling my hands into hers. "Plus, you're already dressed for the game".

After many more arguments with Lydia, I end up going to the lacrosse game with her anyways. I can't feel like this forever, and if he doesn't feel the same way back, why not try to move on already?

The bright lights shine over the field, as fans pile into the stands. The gentle breeze flies through the bleachers, and through my hair as we find our seats and wait for the game to start. As the players run onto the field, the crowd cheers, and the moonlight shines. The referee blows the whistle for the game to start and Coach Finstock rounds up all of his starting players, Isaac and Scott being two of them. Scott finds Lydia and I in the crowd and shoots me an apologetic look, to which I respond with a nod and a small smile. Isaac, however, tries to figure out what Scott was looking at, and to his surprise, finds me. I muster up a smile, and he looks away. I can't tell what the expression on his face was with his back turned, but I can't imagine it was a happy one.

As the game went on, thoughts of Isaac whirled through my head. And when it was over, he was all I could think about. Lydia and I stayed back after the game ended and watched as all the other fans dispersed. Only a few people remained on the field and both teams were packing up their equipment. Lydia found Scott and Stiles, who both gave me an apology before leaving, as I stayed and waited for Isaac. I leaned against his motorcycle and waited for him to emerge from the team locker room. I waited there for what seemed like forever, looking down at my hands, letting my thoughts take over.


His voice broke me from my thoughts, and his appearance left me speechless. His curls still messy, and his lean figure engulfed in a lacrosse hoodie, blue eyes meeting mine the closer he came to me. I shifted my gaze to anywhere but his eyes, needing to be able to think clearly. "Look, Isaac, I know what Scott and Stiles said earlier made things a little awkward but I-"

Just then, he brought his hands to my cheeks and his lips to mine. The kiss was passionate, just as I'd imagined it would be. I brought my hands to rest on his forearms, as our foreheads pressed against each other. "-Like you" I whispered, finishing my sentence. "I didn't know what to say to you, but I couldn't lose you Isaac. Not you". I let the tears in my eyes spill over, not being able to hold them in any longer. He pulls his head away from mine to look at me, wiping away any stray tears with his thumb before wrapping his arms around me. "You won't Y/N, you never will". With his strong arms around me, shielding me from the chilling autumn wind, I finally felt free. I have him by my side and there's no other place we'd rather be.

Writer's Note: Thank you all for voting on the Isaac imagine and I hope you like it! As always, a special thanks to my girl Sammie for beta reading and for moral support :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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