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@pansbaby: could you do one about Isaac where you had been avoiding him because of a fight and you go to his game because Lydia makes you and when they are losing he starts getting frustrated and so during half time you go to calm him down so he doesn't turn and you guys make up?


"C'mon Lyd, you have to agree he's being a little ridiculous" I told my fiery-haired best friend. Isaac and I had just had a huge fight over something so small, and I needed to vent. "He does get jealous pretty easily", she told me "you know how he is". Yeah, but that doesn't mean he had to be a jerk about it. "I got paired with Lucas for a class project. We spent time together to work on said project, one that counts for a big chunk of our grade too. I had to make sure I got a good grade, Lucas isn't exactly what I'd call a "dedicated student"" I replied. I got randomly assigned a partner in class, one that happened to not care about his grades as much as I did, and I sure as hell wasn't failing because of him.

"I know you're upset, but couples fight. It happens. Just come to the lacrosse game with me tonight! You'll have fun I promise" she persuaded. Isaac was on the team, going to the game and seeing him play isn't really my idea of fun right now. Lydia must've noticed the agitated look on my face caused by thinking of him. How could he not trust me? "C'mon Y/N, it's one of the biggest games of the season, you'll regret it if you don't go" she pleaded. Just thinking about the fight Isaac and I had made my stomach turn, but he always did look good in that uniform.. "Fine, I'll go, but I'm not happy about it" I huffed, the bright haired girl gave a small laugh in response as we walked to our last class of the day.

Lydia and I pulled into the parking lot beside the field, Lydia dressed in burgundy and white while I wore Isaac's spare jersey. The crisp fall air blew the red and orange colored leaves at our feet as we took our seats on the bleachers. I usually see Isaac before every game, but I guess that wasn't the only thing different tonight. The game was about to start and my heart was about to beat through my chest. I typically got a little anxious at the lacrosse games, hoping for a win, but tonight didn't feel the same.  As both teams ran out onto the field, the crowds began to cheer with excitement.

All throughout the first half, the crowd was on edge. This was the team that Beacon Hills High needed to beat to go to the championship, and right now, they weren't doing so great. Beacon Hills was down by 3 points, and the referees had been making terrible calls all night. Isaac had been playing almost since the game started. Coach had taken him out a few times for being too aggressive, but now he's livid. I can see this knuckles turn to white and his breathing deepen. Just before Isaac has the chance to maul one of the other team's player, one of the referees blows the whistle for halftime and I run towards the field.

He marches back to the sidelines and throw his helmet to the ground. Scott is beside him, trying to calm him down but it doesn't work. He keeps pacing back and forth and running his hands through his curls. I make eye contact with Scott, nodding at him to let him know I'll take it from here but not before receiving a smirk from him as he saw what I was wearing. Isaac notices Scott leaving and turns to see me instead, letting out a big sigh. "If you're here to fight, it's not really a great time" he snapped, and turned his back to me. That was it. I can't take this anymore, and he is not going to wolf-out on all these people, not on my watch. I kick his water bottle off of the team beach and hoist myself up to stand on it. I reached out my hand to Isaac's shoulder and whip him around to face me, grabbing both sides of his face and pulling it closer to mine. "Listen, whatever we fought about doesn't matter right now. It doesn't. I know the game isn't going how you want it to, but you need to calm down. Take all of your energy and focus it on the game, okay? Use everything inside of you that's telling you to turn and put it towards the game. Their players may be good, but you're better" I whispered? to him in the most serious tone I could muster. We stood there for a second, as I looked into his eyes. I could see the anger leaving his body as he took a deep breathe. "Thank you" he whispered, eyes shutting softly. "Now get out there and kick some ass, Lahey. It's what you're good at" I laughed.

After returning to my seat, and Lydia shooting a smirk my way, the referee blew the whistle again for the game to continue. My little pep talk with Isaac must've really worked because he stepped up his game. Blocking people left and right, and even scoring a few points. After the game ended and Beacon Hill reigned victorious, I waited for Isaac by my car. He walked out of the back door of the locker room still wearing his jersey. "There he is" I say, not being able to hide the proud smile on my face. He walks up to me with a worried look on his face, and I know he's about to bring up the fight. I sighed and looked down at my shoes, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "I'm sorry" he said, to my surprise, "I shouldn't have acted like that". The shock that covered my face turned to a soft smile "I didn't think you trusted me" I confessed, "and Lucas is definitely not my type" I added, trying to lighten the mood. He tilted my chin up so my eyes were locked with his, "I'll always trust you", he said before pulling me into a hug. My heart fluttered, and any worry I had was gone. Our hug broke and he looked at me with curiosity, "what is your type?" he asked with a slight smirk. "You know, I'm always a sucker for a body-checking lacrosse player" I replied with a laugh, "now let's go home".

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